Michigan: Army Combat Vet John James Releases First Ad For His Senate Campaign – IOTW Report

Michigan: Army Combat Vet John James Releases First Ad For His Senate Campaign


“Hunting terrorists in the skies above Baghdad, there are two things you need—faith in God, and a Hellfire missile, James said. I flew Apaches because I wanted to take the fight to the enemy. Now I’m volunteering for a new fight. To secure the borders, defend our Constitutional rights and protect Michigan jobs,” James continued. “I hate politics but I love this country.” MORE


15 Comments on Michigan: Army Combat Vet John James Releases First Ad For His Senate Campaign

  1. I have been following him since he started his campaign. Moving to MI from MN was even more of a plus when I decided I was going to vote for him. Yeah!

    When he has a rally near me, I will be there.

  2. I’m a Michigan guy. I sent John James an email asking if he is against affirmative action. I didn’t get a response. So he is either for affirmative action or he is ignoring one of his potential constituents. Either way I won’t be voting for him in the GOP primary, neither will my immediate family and their spouses. That is nine votes against him. A total of 18 swing votes. That’s a huge amount in an off year election primary. All he had to do was respond to me email. Sorry John James, not voting for you.

  3. @Onginer; Who else is running in the Primary? Are there any other good candidates? Will your 9 votes go to anyone but James because he didn’t respond to your email? What if your only other candidate is a Lindsey Graham type? Is he better then James because of an unanswered email? Have you sent the email again? What happens if James gets the nod? What will you and your votes do then? Will you hold your nose and vote GOP, vote Democrat, Libertarian or not vote at all?

  4. @Scr- Yes, the alternative candidate is Sandy Pensler. Pensler has an add saying all the same things as John James, the only difference is, since Pensler is white, he is more likely to be against affirmative action. Pensler is leading in the polls currently. If John James does win the primary, we will vote for him though. Ultimately I’m a one issue voter, immigration, preferably ending it altogether, we don’t need anymore. Since Pensler and James are the same on immigration, it goes to ending NAFTA, once again they are the same. The third criteria is affirmative action.

  5. John James is the man who saluted PDJT at the MI rally. Truly inspiring moment.

    @ onginer
    But can the white guy beat the dem in the general election. That’s the question.

  6. @onginer.

    There are several possibilities as to why you didn’t get a response. Early on in a campaign it’s disorganized and chaotic, with no clear lines of responsibility. It’s also very busy.

    I would ping him again. I seriously doubt that a man who worked his way thru West Point into combat helicopters in a war zone is a fan of affirmative action.

    Better yet. Call his campaign office or drop by.

  7. @Plain Jane – the white guy beat the dem for MI governor and the white guy beat Hillary for the presidency in Michigan. We even have a white guy as mayor of Detroit… but he is a dirty Dem.

  8. Onginer, what’s this “white guy” stuff. You sound like the black racists who voted for Obama because he’s black (if only by half). Character is all that matters, not skin color.
    Glad you will vote for James if he wins the nomination, but please get over the email faux pas. You’re making it way too important. Do what PHenry suggests and move forward. For goodness sake the guy is probably extremely busy trying to win this election. Lots of moving parts – campaign manager, volunteers, donors, voters etc. Coordinating all those factors can be overwhelming for any candidate. Be reasonable and find another way to get your question answered, then make your decision.


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