Michigan Dem Stands Up to Whitmer, Fights To End Her Dictatorship – IOTW Report

Michigan Dem Stands Up to Whitmer, Fights To End Her Dictatorship

Western Journal-

Democratic Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer made headlines earlier this year by seizing almost dictatorial-level power in the face of the coronavirus.

Whitmer has been empowered by the state’s 1945 Emergency Powers of Governor Act, which allows the governor almost unlimited power in times of emergency.

Michigan residents are now nearly six months into Whitmer’s new regime, and it’s no longer just conservative Republicans who are pushing back.

“Macomb County Executive Mark Hackel, the top Democrat in Michigan’s third largest county, says he supports repealing the 1945 law that gives Gov. Gretchen Whitmer the ability to declare a state of emergency and keep the declaration in place without input from the GOP-controlled Legislature,” The Detroit News reported Wednesday.

“No one person should have endless authority and ability to bypass another branch of government,” he said. “I can’t believe there isn’t more of an outcry.” more


12 Comments on Michigan Dem Stands Up to Whitmer, Fights To End Her Dictatorship

  1. Apparently Macomb county couldn’t hear the Protest for Freedom in Traverse City.
    Had some asshole on Facebook trying to stir shit up in Holland MI.
    There are 3 elder care/senior living facilities in the downtown Holland area.
    Those poor people have had their lives effed up enough this year. I can’t even imagine how terrified they would be to have those stupid POS’s come in and burn things to the ground.
    It looked like most people were commenting back that Holland area won’t put up with that shit.
    We do have a lot of armed people in our lakeshore communities and several gun ranges to keep us in shape.

  2. I agree with MissinMi, I didn’t vote for her, either.

    With legalizing pot on the ballot, all the potheads came out of the woodwork to vote for that and just pulled the lever for the Ds.

  3. Spot on Claudia. Big turn out for the pot vote and that get Gretchen in. She has been a total Cluster F. Other than the liberal city and college towns she is despised by rural Michigan.


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