Michigan GOP Lawmakers Demand Fraud Audit Before The Election Is Certified – IOTW Report

Michigan GOP Lawmakers Demand Fraud Audit Before The Election Is Certified


Michigan GOP state senators are asking the Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson to issue a full audit of the votes cast in the Nov. 3 general election before the state certifies the results.

“Every citizen deserves to have faith in the integrity of the election process and its outcome,” the letter states. “It is our responsibility, as elected public servants, to assure the people of Michigan of the process’s integrity through complete transparency and the faithful investigation of any allegations of wrongdoing, fraud, or abuse.”

The letter outlines various election violations throughout the state, including allegations of fraud, interference, intimidation, and glitches, one of which marked 2,000 Republican ballots as Democrat in Oakland County.

All of the allegations, the letter states, are confirmed in more than 100 sworn affidavits by “real people willing to face legal consequences to their lives and livelihoods to stand by their assertions.” The letter continues, “These claims deserve our full attention and diligent investigation to ensure fairness and transparency in our election process.”

One of the sworn affidavits, as previously reported by The Federalist, came from former Michigan Assistant Attorney General Zachary Larsen, who testified that election officials at the convention center in downtown Detroit appeared to be processing a “majority” of mail-in ballots from ineligible voters that were not listed in the poll book of eligible voters nor on Larsen’s scanned list.

“Election officials never allowed Mr. Larsen to re-enter the counting room to fulfill his duties as a poll challenger after he had discovered the fraud which was taking place,” the affidavit said. read more

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