Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer Under Fire as Unemployment Portal Crashes – IOTW Report

Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer Under Fire as Unemployment Portal Crashes

Townhall: Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer (D-MI) has received an abundance of criticism for her vaguely written stay-at-home order, which is said to be one of the strictest orders implemented on the state level thus far; Gov. Whitmer bans all “non-essential” travel and activity, but fails to define what encompasses “non-essential” or “life-sustaining.” 


Non-essential in Michigan:

-Lawn care, construction, fishing if boating with a motor, realtors, buying seeds, home improvement equipment & gardening supplies.

Essential in Michigan:

-Marijuana, lottery & alcohol.

Let’s be safe & reasonable. Right now, we’re not! #AdoptNewCISA1,14810:08 AM – Apr 11, 2020

Part of Gov. Whitmer’s order was an expansion of unemployment benefits to accommodate Michigan residents affected by COVID-19: 

“This executive order will provide immediate relief to those who can’t go to work, and who rely on their paycheck to put food on the table for themselves and their families. I urge everyone to make smart choices at this time, and to do everything in their power to keep themselves and their loved ones safe,” Gov. Whitmer said in March.

Self-employed workers, 10-99 independent contractors and low-income employees were eligible to apply for benefits via Michigan’s Department of Labor and Economic Development starting Monday morning:

However, the unemployment portal for those workers to apply for benefits broke down on Monday morning, leaving employees out of work stuck. Gov. Whitmer’s administration pointed to problems with the application system two weeks ago, but had yet to announce any tangible improvements: more

23 Comments on Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer Under Fire as Unemployment Portal Crashes

  1. Comrades, comrades! We must ALL sacrifice for the common good of getting rid of the Bad Orange Man!

    A few of you may die, and all may suffer, but if I must sacrifice you all to rid us of that man I hate so much, then that’s a price I’m willing to pay.

    Please accept your fate, it’s for your safety.
    Gretchen Whitmer

  2. This bloated commie scrunt has a Neanderthal jaw and a huge head filled with dreams of dictatorship. The ultimate blame, however lies with the worthless, terminally stupid Michigan voters who elected this walking, talking democrat shit stain.

    Michigan needs a brain enema performed on its citizens.

  3. Dependency on government, one of the goals of this coronapanic shutdown.

    There are others too, it’s pretty much an all enslaving sort of move being made by by government against the people everywhere they have had freedom to live their own lives in their own way in the past.

  4. …Here’s a tale of the Soviet Union as an illustration of where this is headed, sort of a “coming attractions” for Michiganders (Michigandians?) and all of us…

    …one day, an elderly man went down to the local food collective to attempt to get rations for himself and his elderly wife.

    The line was long, and it was raining, but as there was no other way to feed themselves due to the rules of the Party, he bore it silently, as he had done so many times before.

    On this day, he got within three people of the front door, when they made the announcement that there was no more food and to come back tomorrow to see if there would be any then.

    At this the old man could no longer contain himself. “I am Hero of Soviet Union! I fought the Nazis! I survived Stalin! I have always been loyal to the Party! It is a disgrace that they treat me so shamefully in my old age!

    Hearing this, a large man in a trenchcoat walked up to him and pulled him firmly aside.

    “Comrade, comrade, why do you take on so? There is no need to say such things about our glorious Revolution! Be glad that you say this now, you know what would have happened in the old days!” he said, putting a finger to his head and pulling an imaginary trigger.

    With that, the fire went out of the old man’s eyes, his shoulders slumped, and he slunk away in abject defeat.

    Returning to his pod, his wife noted his empty hands and his hopeless eyes and said, “What is the matter, my husband? Were they out of food again?”

    Collapsing into a sagging chair, the old man put his hands to his eyes and wept.

    “Worse”, he said, “They are out of bullets”.

  5. Lawncare is not essential.

    You’re not allowed to cut you own grass?

    If so, maybe we should start getting rid of those laws, usually originally passed for public safety and health concerns, that require you to keep your lawn cut.

  6. …for the Star Trek geeks on the thread, I offer this rewrite of Kodos the Executioner’s speech from The Original Series’ episode of Star Trek: The Conscience of the King.

    …it seems appropriate, somehow…

    “The revolution is successful. But survival depends on drastic measures. Your continued existence represents a threat to the well-being of society. Your lives mean slow death to the more valued members of the colony. Therefore, I have no alternative but to sentence you to death. Your execution is so ordered, signed Gretchen, Governor of Michigan.”
    – Gretchen Whitmer, 2020 (“The Takedown of the Trump”)

    …we’re really not as far from that as you may think…

    (for the original, really I just changed the names and dates)

  7. …you know, any time someone would like to wake Barr up, he’s been sleeping for a couple of years now and we’d REALLY appreciate it if he’d, you know, do his JOB here pretty soon…

  8. Michiganders, mow your lawns.
    What will this despotmuffin do?? Arrest all?
    Use your heads. Who will deal with your property when it becomes much harder? The grubermint?
    Fuck her and the Law School that bore her.

    BTW, read her bio to see who she is and from wither she came

  9. …you know, on reflection, my “Kodos” comparison above isn’t exactly fair.

    To Kodos.

    HE acted on bad information that he would not receive a supply ship for some time, not soon enough to prevent mass starvation. It was bad information, but he had no way to know that and no conflicting information as WE do.

    He did NOT prevent his people from GROWING food in the FIRST place for no damn reason AT ALL…


    …so, at least Kodos was doing sort of triage, trying to do the most good for the most people.

    He wasn’t just arbitrarily imprisioning them, torturing them, starving them, and executing them to advace any political agenda.

    He wasn’t ACTIVELY trying to prevent them from helping THEMSELVES.

    …so for THAT reason, KODOS should be insulted by the comparison, he was a BETTER Govenor than THIS bint could ever be…

  10. We can mow our lawns and we can mow other peoples lawns. What we’re not allowed to do is hire and pay someone to mow our lawns. Have to hurt the economy for November.🤔

  11. j
    APRIL 14, 2020 AT 8:23 AM
    ‘I live in Michigan and I didn’t vote for her. I don’t get why people aren’t allowed to buy paint or garden supplies. What is the motive?’


    That’s it.

    She WANTS your life to suck.

    So you’ll blame te President at the appropriate time.

    Also, like many Democrats, she gets off on power.

    Bending serfs to your will is FUN!

    …trust me, she’s ENJOYING taking away your ability to make money or take care of yourself in any way, and she’ll enjoy it even MORE when you’re forced to come to her, hat in hand, and BEG her for scraps…

    …Democrats. It’s what they DO.

    It’s who they ARE.

  12. What she has done is establish guidelines, not law. Michigan residents should not listen to a damn thing this woman says and revolt in addition to many other states. Laws are passed with public input and voted on, they are not cooked up in some governor’s mansion over a cocktail. You can not be punished for not following her recommendations, and that’s all they are without public input, debate, and vote.

    But then again there are plenty of EOs at the federal level that suspends the constitution in times of national emergency and puts FEMA in charge. DJT is already not our president as he has handed over all control to FEMA at this point. You can find a list of the EOs that removes DJT in this video. The list of EOs start at 5:36, but watch the whole video. Take it for what it’s worth, I hope it’s all conjecture.

    BTW, you “can’t” buy seeds for your garden either in MI. You must rely on grocery chains to provide your sustenance.

  13. I have been out and about in my community for the last few days just to defy her dictates. I see more people out than I have for the last few weeks. We are done with her overlordship’s oppression. Of course, I do live in a red county.

    People are taking proper precautions, but we are buying seeds, lawncare and household repair products. The businesses run by locals are ignoring her proclamations. As of 10:55am on 4-14-20, there are 215,000+ signatures on the online petition to recall the ‘bloody witch’ (borrowed from a friend). I know that won’t do any good, but it felt good to sign it. If anything, it just might show “that the state is turning away from her” (comment from Different Tim in another thread).

    And to those who think Michigan citizens voted for her … it was voter fraud. Mostly from Detroit. Like most states that voted for Democrats, look at the pattern. It was the large cities that voted blue. The Democrat vote fraud machine is highly effective in mass population areas.

  14. Claudia
    APRIL 14, 2020 AT 11:00 AM
    “I have been out and about in my community for the last few days just to defy her dictates. I see more people out than I have for the last few weeks. We are done with her overlordship’s oppression. Of course, I do live in a red county.”

    …have they locked you out of the cemetaries like the rat-bastard RINO in Ohio has, @Claudia? I had to do my annual homegoing celebration with my father early this year because of our discount Napoleon…

    ..please check your earthlink, too, I left you something about this, but not a critter, I’m afraid…

  15. Claudia, I was able to get seeds and other garden supplies also. She has based her shutdowns on the sq. footage of floor space shutting out the large box stores. She’s wanting to pack more people into the smaller stores. Apparently she’s against big business.


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