Michigan: Hamtramck City Council Oks Islamic Animal Sacrifices at Home to Appease Muslim Community – IOTW Report

Michigan: Hamtramck City Council Oks Islamic Animal Sacrifices at Home to Appease Muslim Community

GP: Michigan – The Hamtramck city council on Tuesday voted to okay Islamic animal sacrifice at home to appease the Muslim community.

Dawud Walid, the director of the terror-tied Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), Michigan chapter, said of the animal sacrifice, “it’s not something new or novel.”

“This is when Muslims recognize Abraham sacrificing a sheep instead of having to sacrifice his son,” Walid said.

According to the Detroit Free Press, more than half of the 28,000 people living in Hamtramck are Yemeni or Bangladeshi. MORE HERE

20 Comments on Michigan: Hamtramck City Council Oks Islamic Animal Sacrifices at Home to Appease Muslim Community

  1. Hey dumbass, read your Bible;

    “Jesus coming unto him, and saith, Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.”

    We don’t do animal sacrifices anymore, satisfy your lust for blood somewhere else.

    We are not London, Sharia Law holds no sway here.

  2. …seach “Eid-al Adha”, particularly the Shi’ite version, to see what a city looks like after a citywide goat-slaughter fest.

    Bloodborne pathogen issues, anyone?

    …not to mention all the things from predators to flies that are drawn to blood.

    …you know, another part of the festivites is slitting a young boy’s forehead in a ritual known as “Tatbir”, while all the goat killing is going on, and just letting that blood run, too.


    ht tps://youtu.be/FLdpdsyo–Q

    …what odds you lay me that Hamtramck will be OK with that form of child abuse as well…

  3. Did the city approve “honor” killing too? The Old Testimate put an end to that, yet the Mouselems don’t seem interested in that part…We don’t need new levels of social disfunction in the U.S. Send them back where they came from, with a bill for it.

  4. “…more than half of the 28,000 people living in Hamtramck are Yemeni or Bangladeshi.”

    This is what happens.
    Creeping incrementalism.

  5. Friend of mine used to raise goats and sell them to anyone interested for whatever reason. Somehow our Muslims found out and got very excited and went to purchase his goats. He said they would buy them, then slit their throats right there and then and completely disregard the blood on their clothes, bodies, and vehicles inside and out.

    Welcome to America in the current year.

    It’s gonna get sticky.

  6. All boys learn to slaughter when they reach puberty.
    It is not easy to learn a neat beheading so heads
    can be hoisted up in triumph.

    As I understand it
    Think of cutting up turkey to get the legs, wings apart neatly
    When RAW

  7. The irony here is that these muzzzies live in a city that has the word ham in it as in Hamtranck. Isn’t ham or any other pork product forbidden or even the name of ham, bacon, pork chops etc. forbidden to muzzies. And didn’t Hamtramck used to be populated by mostly Europeans from Poland and other Eastern European countries?

  8. If you let the rats into your house, they despoil every-FUCKING-thing.
    Eat your substance, shit and piss all over the pantry, and carry fleas and disease.
    And will eventually eat the children in their sleep.

    It’s easier to keep them out than it is to oust them.

    Oh, are those Caribbean chicken-chokers included? How about cock-fighting?

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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