Michigan House Repeals Emergency Law Used by Whitmer to Decree COVID Restrictions – IOTW Report

Michigan House Repeals Emergency Law Used by Whitmer to Decree COVID Restrictions

Lawmakers in Michigan start to whittle away at the mechanisms their governor uses to keep their state in terminal lockdown

13 Comments on Michigan House Repeals Emergency Law Used by Whitmer to Decree COVID Restrictions

  1. Won’t matter. She just does a work around directing her agencies to do the job. If she did that in the first place instead of playing Wonder Woman this wouldn’t be a story.

  2. Repealing the law Whitmer used to justify her actions is not going to do much about repealing the restrictions themselves.

    Repealing Whitmer would, but I doubt anything less than that will be effective.


  3. Would love it if they would work on impeaching the bitch.
    Unfortunately our legislators have assured us they won’t even try that, because they don’t want to “look like the democraps”.
    Hey assholes! Left wing- Right wing, you are all part of the same bird. We KNOW you are just as bad as the democraps.
    We are hoping,(yet not holding our breath) that the new blood coming in, will accomplish what you failed to do for the citizens of Michigan.

  4. Won’t she just veto the repeal? Anyway, why should she bother about details like laws, constitutions and court rulings? These are just pieces of paper. What will happen to her if she carries on anyway? Nothing. That’s what.

    I am willing to bet that even if she is recalled, she will not acknowledge the validity of the vote and simply remain in office.


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