Michigan Legislature Committees Subpoena Election Evidence – Hard Drives, Laptops, Emails From Detroit and Suburb of Livonia – IOTW Report

Michigan Legislature Committees Subpoena Election Evidence – Hard Drives, Laptops, Emails From Detroit and Suburb of Livonia

Gateway Pundit: Michigan legislature committees on Tuesday subpoenaed election evidence from Detroit and the suburb of Livonia.

State lawmakers subpoenaed hard drives, laptops, emails, copy of all communications with poll workers and other election related evidence.

Via Just the News:

Concerned about possible election evidence being destroyed, members of a joint session of the Michigan Legislature’s House and Senate oversight committees on Tuesday voted to issue subpoenas to Detroit and the nearby suburb of Livonia demanding they surrender hard drives, emails, absentee voter counting board laptops and other election-related materials.

One Senate Democrat reportedly joined his Republican colleagues in supporting the subpoenas. more

12 Comments on Michigan Legislature Committees Subpoena Election Evidence – Hard Drives, Laptops, Emails From Detroit and Suburb of Livonia

  1. This is somewhat off-topic, but I am SO confused. Are the results of the election still up in the air, or will Biden be sworn in in January? I like to think I’m informed about what’s going on, but I don’t know who the hell to believe.

  2. Way too fucking late. All they’re gonna get are a bunch of plastic shards (smashed devices) and confetti (shredded documents), if even that. Securing that evidence should have been Day 1 after the election, not nearly a month-and-a-half later.

  3. I have some friends still in Minnesota who work for a company (Ontrack) that does electronic discovery and computer forensics. They have told me of the kinds of things criminals try to do to hide their tracks, but their success rate of finding the truth is pretty high.

    Maybe the government should hire them for any crap they get on the hard drives.


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