Michigan Legislature Holds Rare Emergency Session to Investigate Election Irregularities – IOTW Report

Michigan Legislature Holds Rare Emergency Session to Investigate Election Irregularities

Dan Bongino:

The Detroit Free Press reported that the Michigan state legislature held a joint hearing of the House and Senate Oversight committees on Saturday. State lawmakers “issued a subpoena to state election officials…requesting documents related to Michigan’s election process.” They will be investigating “possible election irregularities.”

The article indicated that it is rare for the legislature to call a hearing on a Saturday and equally rare for a legislative committee to issue a subpoena.

Although the Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer is a Democrat, both the state House and the state Senate are controlled by Republicans, a point the author emphasizes several times.

Michigan House Speaker Lee Chatfield (R-Levering) issued a statement after the hearing had been announced on Friday. It read: more

12 Comments on Michigan Legislature Holds Rare Emergency Session to Investigate Election Irregularities

  1. The Michigan legislators have been on Witless ass since she came into office, hence her unconstitutional edits during the covid scam. They’re not covering their asses as someone suggests. They’re trying to expose hers and her parties. In the long run this will end up in the courts.

  2. Funny
    You’d think this would make news on the teevee. Instead, Biden is consistently referred to as the President-elect and all the ‘journalists’ gush constantly about their warm and fuzzy feelings.

    What color is the sky where you are?

  3. What would the remedy for election irregularities, assuming they find any, be?

    And with Whitmer seeming to have virtual dictatorial power, how likely is she to allow them to be instituted?

    (I’m not from Michigan and don’t know anyone there to ask)

  4. @Anon, the remedy for irregularities is to correct them. The Michigan Supreme Court gave her a slap down on her unlawful lockdown orders and chastised her for ignoring the legislative bodies function in making laws. She’s now in a position where she can not claim ignorance as to how things work.

  5. @MJA,
    Yup. Biden keeps claiming that he is the guy that will unite the country. He should demand recounts in contested races and let the lawsuits continue. Otherwise, it looks like he has something to hide.

  6. Answerman Cooper,

    “Unite the country” probably doesn’t mean the same thing to Biden -and the Left- as it does to you and me.

    Something very different, IMO, and something that is not intended to be at all pleasant for our side.

  7. Different Tim is right. Every time the MI legislators tell her she can’t do something or call her on her unlawful edicts, she backs down but then comes up with another way to punish us.

    The legislators are doing their job, it’s just hard dealing with a petulant toddler as governor.


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