Michigan Man Released On Only $10,000 Bond After Shooting a Child – IOTW Report

Michigan Man Released On Only $10,000 Bond After Shooting a Child

SomeBitchToldMe: A 6-year-old child in Michigan was shot in the arm by a neighbor while trying to retrieve his bike from in front of his neighbor’s house. The suspect, Ryan Lee-Nguyen, was released two days later on a $10,000 bond. Michigan has recently added several activist prosecutors in Washtenaw County, where the shooting took place. This is symptomatic of a larger issue arising in blue states, such as in San Francisco where Chesa Boudin, raised by members of Weather Underground, acts as district attorney. more here

8 Comments on Michigan Man Released On Only $10,000 Bond After Shooting a Child

  1. Mr. Nguyen (pronounced Win) is obviously Vietnamese, if he had done this in his home country of Vietnam he’d be dead killed by the boys parents and other relatives and no one would grieve his loss. In Vietnam it would be a Win, Win, here in the so called enlightened USA it’s a lose, lose for the boy and his parents.


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