Michigan mystery: Former COVID policy chief took Whitmer payout, advised Biden transition – IOTW Report

Michigan mystery: Former COVID policy chief took Whitmer payout, advised Biden transition

Just The News-

Former Michigan health director Robert Gordon oversaw the implementation of Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s controversial COVID-19 nursing home policy, one which, like that of New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, was beset by allegations that the state had undercounted the number of COVID nursing home deaths. 

Gordon raised eyebrows when he abruptly left the Whitmer administration in January for reasons that have yet to be disclosed — and controversy erupted earlier this month when it was revealed that Gordon received a $155,000 payout upon his departure, with Whitmer herself confirming that Gordon has been bound to silence regarding the terms of his severance deal. 

“The nature of the separation agreement is that when someone leaves, there are terms to it and you cannot share every term to it,” Whitmer sad earlier this month. “That’s simply what it is.”

Gordon, it turns out, also advised the Biden presidential transition team on healthcare policy. With Whitmer now under fire for her policy directing state nursing homes to accept COVID-positive residents who had been discharged from hospitals, observers are trying to piece together a puzzle involving a fatally mistaken policy, official deception, and a lavish payout contingent on silence — a mystery with political and legal repercussions potentially stretching from Lansing to Washington, D.C. more

6 Comments on Michigan mystery: Former COVID policy chief took Whitmer payout, advised Biden transition

  1. When someone one is paid not to speak you know the corruption is wide and deep. What happened to military tribunals and the military will save us? We will never see justice in this country again.

  2. I wonder what would happen if she visited the white house and Major was there?

    that dog was reacting instinctively protective, due to his perceived sense of fear projected by his owner. I’d love to know who he bit, then we might know out why.


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