Michigan: No Detectable Lead Poisoning Found in Flint Children – IOTW Report

Michigan: No Detectable Lead Poisoning Found in Flint Children

KFI: It turns out there really wasn’t much lead contamination in Flint, Michigan after all.

The city’s water in 2014-15 saw a sad deterioration when the city switched its water supply where pipes began experiencing major corrosion and lead began seeping into the water. Soon after, Flint switched back to its old water supply but the damage had already been done.

But according to a New York Times piece, experts say the increase in lead content in children’s blood was essentially non-existent. The increase was only 0.11 micrograms per deciliter, which is within the range of normal fluctuation.   more

22 Comments on Michigan: No Detectable Lead Poisoning Found in Flint Children

  1. I was born in Pa, grew up in Michigan — Flint. …smile…

    Recently, a heavy metal test revealed that my lead level is off the chart.
    A little mercury, from dental fillings…? Nothing else.

    I had my water tested, my dog tested, me — blood level — tested. Nada.

    The doctor said, “It’s now in your bones.”

    Hell’s bells! I ate lead paint as a kid.

    (My theory is that my IQ was 478, before, and the lead poisoning dumbed me down to normal. …Also, it is only the lead that keeps me upright.)

    There is no proof that lead poisoning caused….. ….but every one parent not willing to believe the kid is really dumb as a rock… …sues

    Flint, now, has a lot of dumb rocks. ….Lady in Red

  2. Not to be the asshole here….. but lead and asbestos and carbon dioxide and hydrogen dioxide and aluminum and all sorts of stuff that were not available to improve lives when we lived to be 45 or 50, are abundant in our world now (except for all of the above). We all start dying the moment we are conceived. Something has to kill you. I am choosing Bourbon and Cigars.

    God bless us everyone….

  3. BB…. Pls take your farting ass and belching belly elsewhere.

    You are not “attractive,” even in prose.

    …Not to mention your bow-legged, gun-toting massive testicles….

    ….Lady in Red

  4. …Because I enjoy attractive and intellectual men and woman…
    ….and detest your farting and belching and manspreading.

    You are a boy, BB, who never grew up — and it is not attractive, *very* unattractive.

    Play guns. Have your cowboy fun.

    Go away. ….Lady in Red

  5. Even though I carry around at least a quarter pound of lead all the time, I don’t think I’m in any real danger because it is all safely sealed in brass and copper containers.

    It might even be a health and wellbeing enhancer.

  6. LIR
    I guess you have a new little dick coming in for the womb zoom tonight. Please have him wear protection. We don’t need anymore abortions. I hope you enjoy the best 30 seconds of your life tonight.
    Belch, Fart

  7. so more alarmism about health and environmental issues. The media is like the little boy who cried wolf, except there aren’t many big bad wolves out there. Why anyone reads a newspaper today or watches ‘the news’ is beyond me…but they do. sigh

  8. I do not believe this article. I believe it is propaganda to protect the Democrats who were responsible for the contaminated water in Flint. This is just cover for the Democrats.


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