Michigan project with $1.14B in taxpayer backing must adhere to CCP rules – IOTW Report

Michigan project with $1.14B in taxpayer backing must adhere to CCP rules

JTN: Gotion Inc.’s $2.3 billion “Project Elephant” electric vehicle battery materials processing plant proposed for construction in Mecosta County, Michigan is facing increasing backlash.

The latest setback for Gotion comes after this week’s revelations the company’s bylaws include articles requiring the company “perform its duties in accordance with the Constitution of the Communist Party of China and other Party Regulations….”

Gotion received state and local commitments of $1.14 billion when Project Elephant was announced last fall. Gotion says the taxpayer investment will yield 2,350 jobs in Big Rapids. Company Vice President of North American Manufacturing Chuck Thelen told the Michigan Senate Appropriations Committee this week that construction of the Big Rapids facility is scheduled to begin in the second quarter of this year, and production is anticipated to begin on the second quarter of 2025.

The committee met earlier this week to discuss whether to approve a $175 million taxpayer funded Strategic Outreach and Attraction Reserve appropriation.

The Center Square reported last month that Big Rapids Township voted for a federal review of Gotion’s bid to build on 115 acres in the township, citing concerns over the company’s Chinese ownership. Rather than respond to the township’s questions, Gotion refocused its siting plans to 408 acres in Mecosta County’s Green Township. more

10 Comments on Michigan project with $1.14B in taxpayer backing must adhere to CCP rules

  1. Every employee will be required to watch a minimum of 60 minutes of TikTok every day. Including weekends. But CCP promises not to keep all the passwords you type into your phone. Pinky swear.

  2. Now why would a Chinese plant want to build in the US? Pleeeeeeeenty of cheap labor over there. What they are getting is a nice piece of property to plant their flag on and a huge building to house their electronics… Good ole’ Chuck Thelen has seen that nothing has happened to Hunter Biden so he figured he’d take a shot at some, a’hem, consulting fees is my guess. No accusations, just a guess.

  3. Whitmer is one of the people God told us about in Romans 1:28 “Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done.”

    Ok, I don’t know that for sure because I’m not God, but if she is, then God has given up on her knowing that she has already made her decision.

    God commands us to pray for our enemies. I pray that God would get through to her. If he knows she is a “reprobate” (depraved mind), I ask him to have mercy on us and to ‘do his thing’.

    Don’t look at me like that! 😉 King David did the very same thing when he asked God to kill his enemies.

  4. WhyAmIWorkingEveryDay
    MARCH 26, 2023 AT 4:47 PM
    “Now why would a Chinese plant want to build in the US?”

    The Chinks bought Smithfield awhile ago.

    Its a dump.

    They’ve been at this for decades now.

    Just like Pedo’s career.

    Probably not a coincidence.

  5. The biggest trick the ChiComms have pulled – after Covid – was getting their bribed American leaders to blow all of the US’s weaponry on Ukraine. The US is TEN YEARS behind in restocking the US military weaponry Biden gave away in Afganistan and blew in Ukraine.


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