Michigan Removed 177,000 Voters from Voter Rolls in January After Certifying Biden Won Michigan by 154,000 Votes in November – IOTW Report

Michigan Removed 177,000 Voters from Voter Rolls in January After Certifying Biden Won Michigan by 154,000 Votes in November

Geller Report-

So crooked …..

Biden is not legitimate.

17 Comments on Michigan Removed 177,000 Voters from Voter Rolls in January After Certifying Biden Won Michigan by 154,000 Votes in November

  1. Bottom line, “When government fears the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny.” Thomas Jefferson. Personally I’m in awe at how intelligent our founders were.
    If we want to fix this shit it begins with these tyrants fearing us.

  2. I suppose there is enough evidence for Trump to sue the shit out of every lying scumbag involved in the steal. He’s got the resources to do it.

    But if I was him, I wouldn’t bother. He can do more good heading up the movement he created and working to undermine any lingering prestige of the mental midget now occupying the WH.

    Maybe in 4 years if his health holds out he might be tempted.

  3. Why not that too?
    Knowing what you know about all them Bidens, do you suppose his mother was a moral woman? She never renounced any of the epic behavior of her criminal bonny boy.

  4. Today starts the SCOTUS listening to Sidney Powell’s case on Election Fraud/Interference/Integrity!

    Praying for the court to actually allow her to present her evidence!


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