Michigan: Republican Senate Candidate Questions Trump’s Wealth, Says He Speaks Like A Fourth Grader – IOTW Report

Michigan: Republican Senate Candidate Questions Trump’s Wealth, Says He Speaks Like A Fourth Grader

But, “I have more money than you and I talk better, too!” Followed by some gossip he can’t prove, isn’t childish.

DC: Michigan Republican Senate candidate Sandy Pensler trashed President Donald Trump at a meet and greet with Republican Party activists in early 2018, as seen in a video obtained exclusively by The Daily Caller News Foundation.

In the video Pensler is seen describing a business deal with Trump that went bad, at Roadside B&G restaurant in Bloomfield Hills, Mich. The GOP candidate questioned Trump’s wealth and claimed Trump tried to buy the Mets baseball team from him, but did not have the money. Pensler also criticized the way Trump speaks, saying he spoke at a “fourth grade level.”

The comments come as Trump is scheduled to visit Michigan on April 28, the same night as the White House Correspondents Dinner in Washington, D.C., and could likely endorse a candidate in the Michigan Senate race.

“I can’t speak at fourth grade level like he can, I wish I could but I can’t,” Pensler is seen saying in the video.  more

SNIP: Vote for John James. There, I said it.

He’s a combat vet, his wife is beautiful and their kids are cute as buttons.

[Thanks for the reminder in the comments, The-Mamomma.]

26 Comments on Michigan: Republican Senate Candidate Questions Trump’s Wealth, Says He Speaks Like A Fourth Grader

  1. Oh, no, @Claudia you didn’t read the full article. He is running against combat veteran John James, who has been endorsed by John Bolton. You won’t have to hold your nose.

  2. GOPers gotta be GOPers. Doubtless a big fan of Jebbie the hall monitor.This is the kind of (r) that made me vote (d) when I was younger and much more ignorant, and thought that there could and should be a really decent candidate on one side or the other…

  3. Gee Wally, funny how Pensler didn’t mention the crowds that Trump draws or the campaign promises that he’s made good on, or all the improvements in the economy and the military in less time than any President in my memory.

    Yeah Beave, Pensler seems to be focusing on all the wrong things!

  4. I don’t have cable but when I’m at the gym each evening, I glance at the TVs and the various news programs. Last night I saw that CNN (Cooper) had a huge story about how Trump lied about his wealth years and years ago so he could get on the Forbes list.

    This, with the DNC’s lawsuit, only reinforces the fact that they have nothing; Mueller is returning from his fishing expedition with an empty net and the actual heat is now coming down on Democrat Operatives. It’s a full court press to smear Trump going into the mid-terms. They have no message, they are relying on the “Hate and Resentment Vote.”

  5. Background is hilarious. Great job. Willing to bet this loser would vote for Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, even though they both speak niglish at the junior high drop out level. Maybe he could get a job as an interpreter for Maxine Waters-Hershuz.

  6. Pensler never owned the NY Mets, like many others, he was trying to sell the Mets for a turn around commission for the actual owners.

    Having been involved with political candidates and political campaigns, I don’t know Pensler, but he comes across as a holier than thou prick.

    To give credit where it’s due, I suspect Pensler, with study and practice will attain his desire to speak as well as a 4th Grader.

  7. Ted Nougat- I always find stuff like that hilarious. Left or Right, no one knows exactly how much a person makes unless he / she tells you. And if they’re lying by adding or reducing numbers? Then what? Everything outside of tax records (and even then, we don’t really know) is based on estimates.

    I cannot stand this Sandy guy. He’s the typical Del Boca Vista asshole ala Seinfeld. Obnoxious braggart, gossipy old washer(wo)man who talks shit about you, and gets the story wrong, the second you leave the table to go to the bathroom. This fool isn’t even worthy to run as ‘condo captain.’

  8. I think they are focusing on Trump’s wealth now because they think Mueller is going after Trump because of his taxes, hence the raid on his lawyer’s office. At least, that’s what I read somewhere on Twitter.
    They’re not done. We need to keep praying for our President, his family and all those surrounding him. This administration has done more for us than any other, imo.

  9. Pensler claimed Trump called him a “little punk”. DJ Trump nails it again! And, didn’t this idiot notice that when President Trump gives someone a name, it sticks?

  10. This sounds like a classic case of “penis envy”. Did President Trump get to where he is because he appeals so poorly? Did he draw huge audiences because he can’t communicate? Go home loser, you have already proven yourself unfit for any office.

  11. I was planning on voting for John James. Thank you for posting this, we do not need Pensler at all. We want Debbie (Stabmenow) Stabenow, gone and Debbie Dingle who took her husband John Dingle’s place in the Senate. Both need to go. I am a constituent of Stabenow’s and in a rural area, we need someone like John James, conservative, christian, veteran, he has my vote. And, yes, he is a Black Conservative, he is awesome!


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