Michigan school shooter’s parents sentenced to at least 10 years in prison – IOTW Report

Michigan school shooter’s parents sentenced to at least 10 years in prison

Washington Times –

A judge sentenced the parents of a Michigan school shooter to at least 10 years in prison Tuesday for failing to take steps that could have prevented a “runaway train” — the killing of four students in 2021.

Jennifer and James Crumbley are the first parents convicted in a U.S. mass school shooting. They were found guilty of involuntary manslaughter after prosecutors presented evidence of an unsecured gun at home and indifference toward the teen’s mental health.

Ethan Crumbley drew dark images of a gun, a bullet and a wounded man on a math assignment, accompanied by despondent phrases. Staff at Oxford High School did not demand that he go home but were surprised when the Crumbleys didn’t volunteer it during a brief meeting. more here

17 Comments on Michigan school shooter’s parents sentenced to at least 10 years in prison

  1. I wish they’d have gotten more time. I personally know one of the victims and his family. They are the best people. More people at the school should have been held accountable.

    For the people on this thread that are going to whine about these people being held accountable for what they’re son did… keep in mind Oxford MI votes heavily for Trump, and they were tried by a jury of their peers. So if you had been on the jury, you’d probably agree they were guilty.

  2. The shooter was tried as an adult so why would his parents be liable?
    Also, the media lied.
    The school did not suggest the parents take the kid home and in fact told them it would be good for him to be around other people.
    The counselors told them it wasn’t necessary to get him into counseling right away.
    They never suggested even going to the hospital with the kid.

    Greg Kelly had some thoughts on the whole thing:


  3. Then go back and prosecute all the mass shooters parents. What about the Columbine parents? Sandy Hook? Florida? Hell let’s prosecute the parents for all their kids crimes. How about the valedictorian who stabbed his loving mother 70 times because he annoyed him, you still have the father. My parents were not responsible for the stupid things I did.

  4. The ONLY reason they are being prosecuted is because they are white. Do this in Chicago for the parents of the crime perpetrators, and you would NEVER have enough court or jail space.

  5. Now that we are prosecuting parents for their chillruns crimes, when can we expect Preznit Shitpants to face prosecution for his smahtest son Hunter’s documented weapons and drug CRIMES ?

    I’ll be waiting….

  6. I totally disagree with this verdict. Their son was tried as an adult. That should have been the end of it. They underestimated their son’s dark side. How can any parent really know what their children are thinking? If any one thing is at fault it is society and these violent video games and movies. I am 77 years old. Violent acts like this 50 years ago were an anomaly. Now it is not. What has changed? Christianity is on the decline. Violence is increasing. Is there a correlation? Time to ask why?

  7. I’m only going to say when I was in high school during hunting season we took guns to school in our vehicles so we could get a couple hours in for hunting after school.

    With our parents blessings and nobody ever went into school to shoot anyone. Something’s very wrong with our kids and I would blame social and mainstream media for where we are today.

  8. Different Tim, just about everybody I knew in HS including teachers had a shot gun or a rifle back in the late 60’s and early 70’s inside their vehicle locked up and ready to go hunting after school hrs. during hunting season. And a lot of us also carried pocketknives even during school hrs. and it was seen as no big deal back then. Try that nowadays and they’ll haul your ass off to jail in a heartbeat. Before urban sprawl crawled in, we could go upland bird hunting for pheasants and quail etc. within a 10 to 15 drive from my HS on the S. side of Spokane. Believe me, it was a better, saner time in those days than it is now.

  9. geoff, I remember a kid brought his grandfather’s shotgun into woodshop in junior high where he with the shop teachers assistance made a new stock for it as it was cracked. No alarms went off and police didn’t show up.
    Imagine that happening today.


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