Michigan Sees Surge in Gonorrhea – IOTW Report

Michigan Sees Surge in Gonorrhea

How can this be? They’re wearing masks!

RedState: Have you been shut down in the sheets?

Have you been locked down and luridly lewd?

If so, you’re not alone.

Despite Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s alleged best efforts to annihilate the whole of human contact, some citizens have managed to make close connections. more

24 Comments on Michigan Sees Surge in Gonorrhea

  1. I’d like to see a breakdown of the number of infected people by party affiliation. Joey’s people with gonorrhea should be forced to wear GPS/Bluetooth enabled ankle bracelets and be subjected to mandatory tracking and contact tracing. Those refusing to comply should be fitted with MILSPEC chastity belts.

    Or, they could just go with Running Man necklaces.

  2. “Michigan Sees Surge in Gonorrhea”

    …If you’re SEEING gonorrhea surging towards you, maybe you should quit doing the Kamala so you’re eyes aren’t so close to the source of it…

  3. To help eliminate the problem I am signing an Executive order that all Michigan residents wear a Gretchen Witmer mask for the next 15 days to help flatten the curve. Seeing that face everywhere you go will help with the social distancing part of it.


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