Michigan Senate passes voter-fraud legislation, creating new felony offenses – IOTW Report

Michigan Senate passes voter-fraud legislation, creating new felony offenses


The Michigan Senate has passed a series of bills that if enacted into law would make voter fraud a felony. 

The measures passed Wednesday by the upper chamber specifically address requesting a mail-in ballot under another person’s name and filling out applications for multiple ballots.

Michigan is sending out mail-in ballot applications to all registered voters ahead of the Nov. 3 presidential election.

By the last day of September, more than 2.5 million Michiganders (32% of the state’s population) had requested mail-in ballots. 

“Our government is based on the notion that people get to choose their elected voices in the capital. People need to have confidence that their elections are being conducted honestly, and that they can trust the results,” said GOP state Sen. Kevin Daley, a sponsor of the legislation.

The bills also attempt to make felony offenses out of knowingly putting false information on a ballot and so-called “ballot harvesting.” Putting fraudulent information on a ballot is now a misdemeanor in Michigan.  more here

15 Comments on Michigan Senate passes voter-fraud legislation, creating new felony offenses

  1. “… if enacted … “

    money quote “Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer has yet to say whether she will sign the legislation into law.”

    it doesn’t say when it will go into effect … presumably sometime later than this November

  2. Ye ol’ SpectCainHam speak. Sunday talking heads who didn’t
    fight for the country while in the chamber. Throw the masses something and they’ll get distracted. Uh, no! This is Hooterville, toot-toot. But Biden is petting that woman’s coat.

  3. And to think our ancestors fought for ten years — often with bloody rags tied to their feet, and often starving — over a tax on a breakfast drink. I hang my head in utter shame.

  4. bless you, AA

    it may have been a little more complicated than Ovaltine, but I understand your sentiment …. we have, due to the sacrifices of our ancestors, become much too complacent to the point of sloth

    … & I also hang my head in utter shame

  5. The legislation really ought to include some form of penalty imposed on the politician for whom the fraud was committed whenever such beneficiary is known and proven, regardless of whether he knew about the crime. A penalty such as being forever ineligible for elected office.

  6. thank you, Molon. Where is our fighting spirit? 🙁

    Uncle Al — I’ve always thought that elections “won” through fraud should be considered null and void and any legislation, legal statute, or other decision that was enacted or influenced by that person’s vote, committee membership or anything else is also null and void.

    Further, any monies given to the candidate/fraudulently elected person must be given back to those who gave it, or if a PAC or Party (where it is determined that the fraud whas known or perpetrated by such organization), the money will be given to the U.S. Treasury toward paying down the national debt.

    Make it a Constitutional Amendment. None of this state-by-state legislative rigmarole that siphons all the money off in legal fees as it makes it way to the Supreme Court.

    Then all the parties to the fraud are taken out and shot at dawn. No blindfolds.

  7. @AA ~ our fighting spirit left w/ the death of God in society & our nihilistic obsessions w/ ourselves & our 401k’s & pensions

    there is no greater self than ourselves …. & civilization devolves


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