Michigan witness testifies that military ballots looked like photocopies with ZERO votes for Trump – IOTW Report

Michigan witness testifies that military ballots looked like photocopies with ZERO votes for Trump

PML: A witness at the Michigan election integrity hearing alleged that all the military ballots she observed looked like “xerox copies” of each other. The witness said that none of ballots were from registered voters and all were for Democratic nominee Joe Biden.

“Not one of the military ballots was a registered voter and the ballots looked like they were all exactly the same xerox copies of the ballot,” the witness testified to the state’s Senate Oversight Committee at the Binsing Office Building in Lansing, Mich.

This testimony on the absentee ballot counting process at the TCF Center in Detroit came approximately a month after the Senate and House Oversight Committees first approved subpoenas related to Michigan’s general election.

She continued: “They were all for Biden across the board. There wasn’t a single Trump vote. And none of the voters were registered.”

“They had to manually enter the names and addresses and the birth date of 1-1-2020, which would override the system,” the witness stated.

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11 Comments on Michigan witness testifies that military ballots looked like photocopies with ZERO votes for Trump

  1. Sounds like a reasonable sized control group that could be audited to see if their voted match up. Plus they are on government employment under sworn oath. No privacy expectations.

  2. Be aware.

    Right now on social media and on blogs, there are liberals commenting on them trying to convince people there’s nothing to see here, there’s no fraud, we are all crazy, biden is a real president, etc. They all follow the same pattern because they are paid to make comments.

    This same thing happened after they passed 0bamacare.
    Paid liberal trolls came around to all the sites and social media and made comments to ‘debunk’ 0bamacare ‘rumors and lies’.

  3. I was watching this awhile ago and saw a woman who said she’d also made statement to PT’s campaign as a poll challenger–one thing that startled me was she said You know how you go to vote in person and you put your ballot in and if it’s all ok it just stays in the machine? Well she said she saw at TCF center (Detroit) around 50 at a time ballots being fed into a machine where they then came out the BACK of the machine into a BIN! Then saying she thinks this is where refeeding could have happened. Would have made it so much easier than having to get keys to open the machines like I’d figured was what occurred. These hearing are so interesting and it’s a SHAME that the TV audiences are not allowed to hear this testimony. When hopefully PT’s campaign attorneys are able to disqualify enough votes for his re-election, the dem-wits who are now gloating will probably get violent. Then whose fault is it but Faux “news,” Jimmy Kimmel, big tech and the rest of the criminals?

  4. Now up is a man who went through poll worker training and said it was made impossible for poll challengers to do their jobs–6 ft. requirements and they were told to call 911 if poll challengers in violation–someone said if they were against the wall and not 6 ft. available . . . trainer said EXACTLY! and Not unless they have binoculars! He heard it from their mouths. These hearings the greatest!!

  5. Photocopies are easily identifiable and differentiated from regular ballots, even different copy machines can have their output sorted into the groups that came from that machine. It only takes a few seconds a piece to do it, and that is with handling by hand.

  6. It is not hard to believe that in Detroit, there are democrats so stupid that they would just Xerox off a bunch of pre-marked ballots. On the other hand they got away with it. There is no downside to such a move; even if caught, the State AG will not prosecute, and the US Justice Dept is in on the scam. Zero risk for a huge gain.

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