Michiganders Seek Repeal of Emergency Law Whitmer Uses for COVID-19 Decrees – IOTW Report

Michiganders Seek Repeal of Emergency Law Whitmer Uses for COVID-19 Decrees

Daily Signal:

Some Michiganders say the law that Gov. Gretchen Whitmer is using to keep their state under COVID-19 lockdown is being abused, and they are pushing to reopen their state. 

“Gov. Whitmer’s interpretation and use of the [Emergency Powers of Governor Act] is completely novel,” said Michael Van Beek, director of research at the Mackinac Center for Public Policy, a Midland, Michigan-based free market think tank.

The Emergency Powers of Governor Act, enacted in 1945, has been used only a handful of times before now, according to a new report from the Mackinac Center.  more

13 Comments on Michiganders Seek Repeal of Emergency Law Whitmer Uses for COVID-19 Decrees

  1. They refuse to let him talk because they refuse to believe the “peaceful protesters” are rioting. How could places like Minnesota request federal funds if everything was peaceful?

    open and click to home article for more details

    clearly shows their complete disconnect from the situation.

  2. I could bring 20 eggs a day to her pillory… and bash them on her forehead. My aim is probably not that good. I’d try. That’s a long drive. I can bring 140 eggs a week. I can do that.

  3. @Erik, that’d be called a jibbett when they executed people for even minor offences and left them suspended until the birds cleaned their bones as a less to the serfs.

    would those be frozen eggs i hope?

  4. Pass any law giving additional power to a politician, that seemed like a good idea at the time, when an honest person held the office. If it was written in a way with even a smidgen of wiggle room allowing it to be abused later. It will be.

    Good luck. You have a tyrant in office that is more destructive than the fire setting rioters. Because she believes her destructive acts are legal, which they might be, it will be more difficult to stop her.

  5. A big portion of my family is in MI. My niece is a beautician. She gave both of my parents haircuts on Monday.

    Tuesday she tested positive for COVID.

    No automatic retest to confirm its accuracy since she has no symptoms.

    My parents were on lockdown for 2 more weeks by Tuesday night. Told they should not worry about testing, just hunker down like good citizens.

    Oh, and Mom has dementia, and Dad is not far behind her after doing this bullshit for 6 months while caring for her as well.

  6. @hoo hoo nay nay,

    My sister in law works at a bank in Fl. and a fellow employee just came back from vacation overseas and promptly gave the Wuhan virus to half the other employees at the bank.

    I found it strange that the bank has all the PPE requirements of ALL employees yet never required testing of employees who could have contracted the chinese virus while they were away before allowing them back to work.

    My sister in law went to the hospital and had it confirmed with the fever, general body pains, and yet another test and then, get this, they SENT HER HOME!!!

    Mandatory 14 day lockdown

    ALL other family members living in her house got mandatory lockdown of 14 days and told to have them all come in for testing

    her job told her after one week she was fine to come back to work and ordered her to do so

    she called the hospital and told them what her job said and was asked if she still had any symptoms and she said no I feel fine and they said well, ok, go back to work then.

    The whole sordid story is a lot longer but this condensed version tells you all you need to know about the shamdemic because my sister in law is in the “high risk” category but they did not care at her job or her hospital.


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