Michigan’s Matt Sealy Explains Trump’s Path To Victory – IOTW Report

Michigan’s Matt Sealy Explains Trump’s Path To Victory

h/t I AM TOSK 

20 Comments on Michigan’s Matt Sealy Explains Trump’s Path To Victory

  1. The only recourse Trump has relates to his Executive Order regarding election shenanigans’ and he’s got plenty evidence of that.

    McTurtle be damned.

    Otherwise the only recourse we voters have is succession into a Red/Blue Confederacy with states rights taking precedence.

    I’m sick and tired of being sick and tired. Trump must now literally take action (Takashita) or head for some Trump tower or Israel or such.

  2. When Trump first came down the escalator he told us his intentions. Restore America back to the people. He’s been fighting the Deep State and the media tooth and nail for 4 years. If he goes thru the Constitutional methods described here and other places, he still has to contend with the deep state and the media. On an interview with Sheryl Attkisson, back in May I think, he said something to the effect, I might have a way to kill off the deep state all at once, we will see. If you look at the steps he’s taken, he’s got them in his cross hairs. Plus it would be a lot safer than relying on our F’d up lawmakers. Just listen to Turtle Boys mouth run. Friday should be interesting. Per his EO he could start rounding up media, and deep state assholes. Could be fun.

  3. “Kami has still not resigned.”

    I wouldn’t read anything into that, it isn’t unusual to wait till late in the current session to resign and her votes may still be wanted to be available in the Senate by party leaders until then.

  4. Don’t be discouraged. God is in charge and he is not done yet.

    Call me what you will, I still believe and have hope that God will have mercy on us.

    Having us to be demoralized is the plan of the left. Don’t let them win in this.


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