Mickey Rourke threatens ‘crybaby’ Robert De Niro in a scorching Instagram post – IOTW Report

Mickey Rourke threatens ‘crybaby’ Robert De Niro in a scorching Instagram post

It’s a battle of egos. But it’s still fun to see De Niro getting cussed out.

“Hey Robert De Niro, that’s right i am talking to you, you big f–king crybaby,” Rourke began, posting a picture of a much younger De Niro smoking a cigarette.

16 Comments on Mickey Rourke threatens ‘crybaby’ Robert De Niro in a scorching Instagram post

  1. I really can’t understand why people admire deniro? All the critics would say that John Wayne couldn’t act. That John Wayne played the same charecter in all his movies. Then the same critics would marvel over deniro. He plays the same Italian cliche in all his movies.

  2. So it started during Angelheart? Gotta say, that was one fucking great movie. I’ll watch it every year or so and it still gives me goosebumps. When Mickey was young and studly, he made some really good flicks. Man did he go off the rails or what?

    Another good one was Johnny Handsome-Lance Henrikson was a killer bad guy and Ellen Burnstyn stole every scene she was in.

    this is a hoot

  3. Bobby, shut up and pay your useless ex-wife until you get depressed and hang yourself in the basement. (I doubt you could eat the barrel of a beretta)

    Played the same character for +50 years of an “I-Talian” ignorant mobster that helped to get real life to imitate shit art.

    Every time I have to deal with one of those real life pieces of shit I think about what a wonderful cultural contribution you and the other fucking retard John Travolta you made.

    Greaseball Fuck!

  4. I don’t care how great a movie it is. If it stars Bitty Baby Bobby DeNiro, I ain’t paying my hard earned money to see it and therefore, support him.

  5. DeNiro had no trouble getting into movies. First off, in interviews, he is clearly dumb as a box of rocks. Second, the characters he assumes in his movies, the thugs, low-lives, thieves, gangsters are really abstracts of his actual personality. He’s a natural. This is why he is Scorsese’s favorite actor.


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