Microsoft Responds to China Cyber Attack by Expanding Business in China – IOTW Report

Microsoft Responds to China Cyber Attack by Expanding Business in China

WFB: Microsoft responded to a Chinese government hack that compromised more than 60,000 of its customers by expanding operations in the repressive regime.

Microsoft acknowledged on March 2 that Chinese “state-sponsored” hackers used vulnerabilities in Microsoft Exchange’s software to install malware and access the emails of thousands of victims. The tech company has nevertheless barreled forward in its Chinese business plan, announcing on March 4 that it will expand its cloud computing service Azure. The move is meant to “empower” Chinese citizens, who live in a country with some of the most heavily censored and monitored webspace in the world. more

11 Comments on Microsoft Responds to China Cyber Attack by Expanding Business in China

  1. So, the ChiComs hacked Microsoft sservices in a widely-acknowledged attack, and yet, Microsoft expects Chinese citizens to use their services “to empower” themselves against those same operators. Am I missing something here?

  2. Microsoft reminds me of the Piranha Brothers’ skit from Monty Python…”they had an unsuccessful venture with a protection racket as they paid others not to beat them up…”
    And these bozos are supposed to be out betters?

  3. “empower” Chinese citizens. Right out of Wokeland. With their regime, supported by MS, NBA, etc., they’ll never have any.

    I hate these millenial douche-bag mush words that bombard us every day.

    Also, “sustainable”, “green energy”, “undocumented citizens”, “transphobia”, and lots of others.


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