Microwave Weapons May Have Been Used Against U.S. Embassy Officials In Havana – IOTW Report

Microwave Weapons May Have Been Used Against U.S. Embassy Officials In Havana

DC: The Department of State is entertaining the idea that microwave attacks were behind the mysterious illnesses that plagued diplomats working in the U.S. embassy in Havana, Cuba.

Beginning in late 2016, more than three dozen U.S. diplomats and family members living in Cuba and China reported puzzling brain ailments such as dizziness, headaches and blurry vision. Some diplomats described moments where they heard loud ringing and buzzing sounds. For months, the State Department considered the mysterious incidents to possibly be the result of “sonic attacks.”

Not only do federal investigators have yet to determine what devices were used against American officials, but they are still unaware who was behind them.

However, in a chilling development, doctors and scientists involved the investigation now consider microwave attacks to be main suspect.

“Everybody was relatively skeptical at first,” Dr. Douglas Smith, the lead author of a study into the victims’ ailments, stated to The New York Times. “[But] everyone now agrees there’s something there.” Smith is increasingly positive the diplomats sustained brain injuries.  more here

9 Comments on Microwave Weapons May Have Been Used Against U.S. Embassy Officials In Havana

  1. “Not only do federal investigators have yet to determine what devices were used against American officials, but they are still unaware who was behind them.”
    Really? REALLY? Let’s work out this problem. The attacks happened in Cuba and China, so we can be pretty certain, the attacks were carried out by…? Anyone?

  2. Somebody needs to go ask that other Cuba-fluffing Arizona Senator, Jeff Flake, what he thinks about the sonic attack now. Back in January, he thought it was much ado about nothing. So did I. It seemed like a bunch of hysterical State Department goofs to me. But then again, I’m not retiring from the Senate to shill for the Cuban dictatorship, like Flake is.

    Keep an eye on that mofo, Trump. Make him miserable in his new job.

    And what a pair of assholes you elected, Arizona.

  3. Considering that the exact same thing happened to our diplomats in the Soviet Union, shouldn’t the geniuses in the federal government be on guard for that?
    Sensors maybe. Also, why do we need diplomats there at all? Thanks Obama.

  4. I can’t imagine being blasted
    by any RF energy especially in the
    microwave spectrum.As we call it in the biz
    “near field” energy can fry your brains and eyes
    very quickly! Those embassy folks most probably
    have some degree of permanent damage that will
    manifest itself as they age…


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