Microwaving Highlighters – IOTW Report

Microwaving Highlighters

21 Comments on Microwaving Highlighters

  1. I would have rather they bypassed the door safety switch and microwaved their heads.


    Better yet, put a chunk of C4 in it with a few fork tines stuck in the C4.

    I really do not know for certain what would happen.

  2. If this happens to the one in yer shirt pocket, you may be too close to the 5G tower…

    Kinda like the old poor man’s Radar Detector: Put a hot dog on a stick and hold it out the window. If it plumps up, pull over.

  3. When I was a kid, long ago in a place far away, we used to make carbon arc lamps. Carbon rods from standard D cell batteries, not alkaline, and 120VAC. Do not try this at home and wear sun glasses. More at 11 on DIY flame thrower.

  4. The video is best if you speed up the playback speed to 2x. I don’t care what they have to say, I just want to see the results. After the first few, I was done.

  5. Claudia,

    Faster Faster
    Don’t Stop
    Next Test
    Take 1 yellow highlighter
    Entirely Highlight 1 Entire Hot Dog cut entirely into rings
    Microwave and Film under UV Black Light blackout conditions

    What color will the sodium lit sparks be?

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