‘Middle Finger Symphony Theater’ – IOTW Report

9 Comments on ‘Middle Finger Symphony Theater’

  1. Those guys are great musicians, I’ve been a fan for decades. Too bad Richards and Jagger seem to be suffering from TDS. I don’t know about Clapton, but the Stones don’t carry the same clout with me that they used to.

  2. That was me posting Roy. Just sitting here listening to blues tonight. Usually it’s All Blues http://knkx.org on Saturday night, but have been stuck in my dungeon listening to CD’s tonight. It gets a little loud sometimes and the wife throws a fit. I have a Hafler DH 500 driving Speakerlab Thirties for the bottom and a pair of JBL L26 Decades for the high notes.

  3. Charlie Walksonwater…thanks! I’m honored! But unfortunately, you ain’t gonna find much there. You’d be better off going on Diogenes’ site and searching the past entries of the MFST.

    On the comments page for the above video, right above the box for a new comment, is a link…Labels: Middle Finger Symphony Theater. That’ll bring up a plethora of solid tunes. And for the record, this week’s pick was Dio’s…I took a vacation week!

    PS…thanks, MJA!

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