Middle School Boys Start “Pedo Database” to Stop “Creepy” Teacher – IOTW Report

Middle School Boys Start “Pedo Database” to Stop “Creepy” Teacher

Tatum Report-

Several Rhode Island middle school boys started a “pedo database” after reporting a “creepy” teacher to school authorities who refused to take action.

The database was a log of every incident they deemed inappropriate between the teacher and female students. The teacher allegedly even boasted that he had received complaints for nearly 30 years without any repercussions.

The teacher allegedly called the girls “sunshine,” “sweetheart,” and requested they dance for him. The teacher has since been suspended.  more

10 Comments on Middle School Boys Start “Pedo Database” to Stop “Creepy” Teacher

  1. I wish every class had a group of fellow students who care so much about this situation and the victims (both girls and boys) and about holding the perpetrators (both men and women) accountable. And I wish school administrators and teachers\’ unions would default to standing behind the victims instead of protecting the perpetrators, because I\’m fairly sure that most cases are real, and aren\’t simply a way to slander a particular teacher for bad grades or whatever.

    This is a deeply personal issue for me, and I know for sure that having such support from fellow students would make a huge difference… just like it did here. Because it\’s a very hard and potentially horrendously dangerous battle for a young person to fight alone.

    God bless you, young men.

  2. ^^^^… Due Process^^^^

    Agreed 100%. Problem is, so much of the time it’s one teacher’s word against one student’s word, and the student (especially in elementary and middle schools) is probably socially unprepared to know where the lines are and quite possibly what the stakes are. There are plenty of middle schoolers who wouldn’t imagine that a teacher calling her pet names in class could indicate potential molestation or even rape in her future.

    And a girl or boy in that situation is probably not going to speak confidently. The ones who get targeted are usually the quieter sort, taught to trust their teachers and other authority figures, and speaking against them won’t come easy, and maybe it won’t come fully, either.

    So it would be great to have a running list of targets and incidents and descriptions by people not in the equation except as witnesses. Because the victims in cases of teachers trampling the lines so often have no one to back them up. And the teachers who are guilty know that. They count on it.

    I’d never want an innocent on either side to suffer. But I’d also like to see more kids stepping up to protect kids who aren’t sure how to protect themselves.

  3. We had a known entity at the high school I went to. Nothing was ever done about him until ten years after I graduated. We also had The Frugal Gourmet right across the street from Stadium High School in Tacoma who had high school boys coming and going from The Chaplain’s Pantry. ~ 1985 I was in Kansas City and my sister and mother were watching The Frugal Gourmet and I told then that they guy was a known pervert, at which they both scoffed and said: Why do you always say things like that about people. I said because everybody else is afraid to tell the truth about what they know to be true. I’ll say straight up that the entire power structure in Tacoma knew the score on this guy. The had to.

  4. This is why boys are dangerous to the left.
    Plus they grow up to be men, the kind who protect the weak, not the kind who get pregnant.
    Good for these young men. Their parents must be proud!


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