Middle schooler arrested, charged with ‘battery’ for pinching classmate’s butt – IOTW Report

Middle schooler arrested, charged with ‘battery’ for pinching classmate’s butt

EAG: LONGWOOD, Fla. – A Florida 12-year-old was arrested and hauled to juvenile detention after she pinched a classmate’s butt at school.

Breana Evans school pincher

Breana Evans now faces a charge of misdemeanor battery after the student’s mother urged prosecution, and the girl and her father think the whole ordeal is ridiculous, ABC 7 reports.

“It is just a joke,” Evans said. “I feel like it’s just stupid, just a stupid charge that shouldn’t have to happen.”

Evans told WFTV she was suspended from Milwee Middle School for playing a “game” March 15 that involved pinching other students, an act the school deemed “socially unacceptable.”  MORE

SNIP: Do you remember pinching your friends and family if they were not wearing green on St. Patrick’s Day?

13 Comments on Middle schooler arrested, charged with ‘battery’ for pinching classmate’s butt

  1. GIVE ME A FUKIN’ BREAK!!! I hope all the PC and SJW assholes die a horrible painful death when the revolution starts. Y’all remember who they are in case they want you to protect them.

  2. This story is ridiculous. It was harmless.

    However. Kids can play games that are not harmless when they lack good judgement. Often a game that seemed like a good idea isn’t . Recently three boys thought it was a good idea to play ” dodge the arrow “. One of them is now dead.

    https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2016/03/22/w-va-teenager-dies-after-being-accidentally-shot-in-the-head-with-a-bow-and-arrow/ .

    And yes when I was in school I was pinched on St Patrick’s Day so hard it left a bruise for days. Same with playing Dodge Ball. Usually some days later I repaid the favor. No one was arrested, and today we’re still friends.

  3. You guys amaze me. It would be better if she fit your idea of what a girl should look like. Oh wah! She didn’t hurt the little sissy and he shouldn’t have even mentioned it to his insane mother.

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