Midterm Meddling: Facebook Blacklists 800+ Grassroots Accounts and Pages to Fight ‘Fake News’ – IOTW Report

Midterm Meddling: Facebook Blacklists 800+ Grassroots Accounts and Pages to Fight ‘Fake News’

UPDATE: Here’s another link which lists just some of the good people that Facebook so cavalierly threw away in the name of “purging fake news.” The link was provided by Frank Blunt.

Breitbart: In an effort to fight “fake news” before the November midterm elections, Facebook has shut down over 800 accounts and pages accused of spreading “misinformation,” including many conservative pages, some with millions of followers.

On Thursday, Facebook revealed that they removed 251 accounts and shut down 559 pages for breaking the sites rules against spam and “coordinated inauthentic behavior,” according to Facebook’s cybersecurity policy chief Nathaniel Gleicher and product manager Oscar Rodriguez. In a blog post the two Facebook employees discussed the deletion of accounts and pages saying:

Many were using fake accounts or multiple accounts with the same names and posted massive amounts of content across a network of Groups and Pages to drive traffic to their websites. Many used the same techniques to make their content appear more popular on Facebook than it really was. Others were ad farms using Facebook to mislead people into thinking that they were forums for legitimate political debate.

Of course, there are legitimate reasons that accounts and Pages coordinate with each other — it’s the bedrock of fundraising campaigns and grassroots organizations. But the difference is that these groups are upfront about who they are, and what they’re up to.

However, many of the accounts and pages removed appear to be legitimate pages and accounts, many of whom are conservative or libertarian in their content and discussion topics. From Conservative bloggers NoisyRoom, to the page for Right Wing News, which reportedly had more than 3 million follower, reports of legitimate accounts being taken down spread quickly.



10 Comments on Midterm Meddling: Facebook Blacklists 800+ Grassroots Accounts and Pages to Fight ‘Fake News’

  1. FB has had my account all screwed up for months. They have colluded with a soyboy cuckold at one of the local newspapers to prevent me from posting comments under his bullshit. I don’t really give a shit except I visit a couple FB pages to keep up with what is going on with Tribal members I am friends with. Getting it straightened out takes a couple hours. This is the third time the little cocksucker has pulled this stunt.

  2. @ Txn4Evr

    FB is the only way to log on and comment on local newspapers now. Actually, IMHO, that is the opening that the Administration needs to find that they are restricting freedom of speech and shutter them. What they do on their own platform is their business, but once it becomes obvious that they are trying to control speech in the public square that is when they have crossed over into civil rights violation territory.

  3. When, for the love of God, are we going to fucking kick them to the curb and STOP USING FACEBOOK, Twitter, and all the rest.

    Just say no more, otherwise quit your fucking whining about it, America.

    Put your goddamn phones DOWN for Christ’s sake. You’re all addicted to this social media shit.


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