“It’s across the board, the state economy would suffer immeasurably if we were to adopt some of these California regulations in Illinois,” said Don Schaefer of the Mid-West Truckers Association.
Illinois truckers are worried California trucking regulations could spread to the Land of Lincoln.
The trucking industry is fragile enough now as is, said Don Schaefer, executive vice president of the Mid-West Truckers Association, and following California’s lead would be “catastrophic.”
With high fuel prices and labor shortages, some trucks are already parked, Schaefer said.
The Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) alongside the Union of Concerned Scientists commissioned a report supporting a move to no- and low-emission trucks and buses in Illinois.
“Freight is a major part of the Chicago area economy, but air pollution caused by diesel emissions disproportionately harms Black and Latino communities in the region,” Jose Acosta Cordova of the Little Village Environmental Justice Organization said. “This report shows how the Advanced Clean Truck (ACT) rule and the NOx Omnibus rule will set Illinois on the path towards achieving zero-emission freight and mitigating the negative impacts of diesel-powered vehicles.” more here h/t Brad.
call l. bobbit-gonzalez, the ab5 union-dicksicker lawyer
Anyone who actually believes in zero emissions is a fucking idiot.
California is a cancerous petri dish run by evil intentioning morons who desire the same thing for the rest of what was America the beautiful.
When the rules are adopted in California, you can be sure Oregon and Washington are the next dominoes to fall.
Regarding the California legislation. It was designed to ruin the economy. Stop the flow of product and raw materials. No more independent truckers. Well, except for Mexican Nationalists. They’re fine. My aching head these people are evil.
“air pollution caused by diesel emissions disproportionately harms Black and Latino communities”
The peons will just have to eat shit while the elites live the high life.
Another example of idiot demoncrat politicians.
Don’t know of any electric farm grain haulers (electric semi’s)
Thousands of acres of grain rotting in the fields
Can hardly believe the dumb Illinois people voting for these morons
We’re in a good vs. evil tug of war. It’s planetary, not just in the USA. They want to strangle the world slowly by incrementally draining our wealth, starving us, and de-petroleumizing us.
I think the Oil companies of the world should “let go of the tug-o-war rope” by all getting together and CEASING PRODUCTION of refining.
Let Deep State swallow that one.
Politicians would not be able to walk down the street.
I should mention the Mexican trucks always have been exempt from our smog regulations.
A. don’t blame the trucks. They’re doing what trucks do.
Neuter those jackasses and leave the truckers alone.
I despise DEF, we have had a few diesel trucks and DEF is a pain in the ass especially when it runs low and the truck powers down to nothing and won’t go over 30 mph. I had to go back to Spokane once after driving about 20 miles or so during Valentine’s week because the DEF reservoir was low. It wasn’t a good day having to limp back into town at 30 mph. Whatever dumbass green weenie moron who invented DEF to control diesel emissions needs to have their ass kicked.
I’ll take the diesel emissions over the flying lead.
The Tax Slave Peasants will just have to learn to get along eating bugs and lawn grass when they can find it.
If we are serious about saving should be the goal!!! the planet, zero emission politicians should be our goal!!!
If we are serious about saving the planet, zero emission politicians should be our goal!!!
That’s better. That first one looked like I was applying to be Veep Throat’s new speech writer.
Ijuts have no problem making laws to make sure forest fires spread from county to county are the same effin ijuts who don’t want emissions from our roads.
Mod, Veep Throat.
Love it, my new go to for she who rules from her knees.
My last motorhome was 2011 pre-DEF, but if I had a later rig and found myself in need of DEF I would piss in a gallon jug a few times then top it off with COORS LIGHT shake well the pour it in the DEF tank!
Who makes all the DEF? Why the Chynese naturally. I own a pre smog Duramx. LBZ. Original owner and it still looks and runs like new. One of the options for that truck was a water filter, which my truck had. Occasionally it would puke about a cup of water on my driveway. This new $7.00 a gallon diesel is more freaken water than fuel. I parked at work on Friday and I swear it puked a couple quarts. Well it turns out water in the fuel seriously screws with the smog crap on the new trucks. I’ve had several friends that had to have their trucks towed.
So, if your pusher doesn’t have a water filter you might think about getting one installed.
Doc, one of the main components is urea so maybe pissing in a gallon jug, it just might work in a pinch. And it’s free.