“Migrant” crime ring goes after high-end homes in pro-Biden county – IOTW Report

“Migrant” crime ring goes after high-end homes in pro-Biden county

Sara Carter:
Michigan’s Oakland County Sheriff Michael Bouchard is warning residents that gangs of illegals are targeting high-end homes, particularly during spring break vacations, according to WXYZ-TV Detroit. Breitbart notes that the area is one of Michigan’s wealthiest counties, which voted heavily for Joe Biden in 2020. more

7 Comments on “Migrant” crime ring goes after high-end homes in pro-Biden county

  1. Why not just knock on the door and have democrats hand over whatever is asked of them? Surely there’s a sign on the front lawn that says “ALL ARE WELCOME HERE except those dirty mean dRumpFers.”

    Whatever, rob all they got and even leave a note that says, “Biden did this.”

    They’d still vote for SloJoe. Mean dRumpF made the nice little migrant lash out. He just needed bread to feed his family. Abandon all hope.

  2. Oakland county isn’t a strong Democrat county, Hillary Clinton won 51% in 2016. This sheriff from the article is a Republican. But the affluent areas getting robbed do heavily support Dems. It’s a very suburban county, all the whites that fled Wayne county (Detroit) came out to Oakland and Macomb counties, but that was 50-60 years ago, now the white progeny don’t remember why their parents fled Detroit. This article should be a reminder.

  3. It’s going to get a lot worse. A LOT WORSE. Their plan has always been bring in as many criminally inclined military fighting age men. Distribute them through out the country, then cut their free ride. That’s already starting to happen in Chicago. Newmax played a clip of some guy in Denver telling a big room full of new arrivals that they could no linger stay in Denver. Denver was broke and he suggested they go to Chicago or New York. When these people run out of food and shelter they’re coming for yours. And remember, they have more gun rights than you.

  4. joe6pak

    I was watching the returns last night on Newsmax. Trump won easily in all states. BUT, if you look below the percentages on the screen, they report the volume of votes. We are fucked.

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