Migrants From Cuba And Africa Stage Violent Riot in Mexico – IOTW Report

Migrants From Cuba And Africa Stage Violent Riot in Mexico

SaraCarter- Migrants in a Mexican immigration center in Tapachula, Mexico staged a riot on Wednesday, according to The Daily Caller. In a video posted to twitter, migrant men could be seen being held in an overcrowded facility. The group managed to burn documents and destroy the building’s infrastructure.

According to a Mexican news site, members of the group were from Cuba and Africa. The municipal building was over double its capacity with roughly two thousand migrants. There were an additional 700 waiting to be processed, according to the news site.

The Mexican news site Reforma reported that 15 Cuban migrants managed to escape in the riot.  more

11 Comments on Migrants From Cuba And Africa Stage Violent Riot in Mexico

  1. They’re just warming up for settlement into large voting blocks in the USA. Once the Electoral College is done away with those piles of human debris will determine crucial elections.
    How is that an emergency…

  2. Why would we send these people back? That makes no sense. The organization of the Caravan is orchestrated by American citizens and, as taxpayers we fund the entire effort. Good American citizen activists who want equality for 90 percent of the population organize the entire operation funded , in a great part, by agencies of the UN which we support…The Catholic Church taking orders from the Pope who listens to God is also involved…What’s not to like ?

  3. So, refugees from Africa and Cuba (military aged men) are making their way to Honduras and Guatemala so they can join the caravans? Great. Tapachula is on the southern border of Mexico near the Guatemalan border so Mexico must deal with this one. At some point this will turn into severe violence. Time to break out the military and machine guns.

  4. Why does the Left proclaim that we need to welcome this type of people into our country and keeping them out is somehow an evil thing?

    IMO, which is worth no more than what it is worth, this is exactly the people we should strive to keep out of our country for the protection of American citizens and legal residents.

  5. What we really need are two walls 100 yards apart.

    The 1st one to climb over. The 2nd one to demarcate the area in-between as a mined, free-fire zone.

    Then, as a last incentive, place “welcome to the USA” signs facing the Mexican side.


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