Migrants in Sweden Suspected of Converting to Christianity to Get Asylum – IOTW Report

Migrants in Sweden Suspected of Converting to Christianity to Get Asylum

The Stream:

MALMO, Sweden — The Swedish migration agency is handing out pop quizzes on the Bible to make sure migrants aren’t converting to Christianity to receive asylum.

Risk of persecution because of one’s religious faith can boost a person’s chances of gaining asylum. The Swedish migration agency is making unannounced visits to asylum seekers to quiz them on the Bible and make sure their conversions are genuine.

“How many books are in the New Testament?” and “What is the difference between Orthodox and Protestant churches?” are examples of questions converts have to answer.

Immigration lawyers have criticized the measure, but the agency defends the questions as knowledge true Christians should know.  more here

8 Comments on Migrants in Sweden Suspected of Converting to Christianity to Get Asylum

  1. The Quran tells them to lie to the infidel until they are in a position to kill him and take all his belongings including his women. Muhammad was a narcissist, a pedophile, a mass murderer, a terrorist, a misogynist, a lecher, a cult leader, a madman, a rapist, a torturer, an assassin and a looter. Sweden and every other western nation are committing cultural suicide and when the muslims become a large enough segment of their population they will begin taking their heads and their women, Stoning women for being raped. Throwing gays off of tall buildings. If you continue to allow the invasion to continue you’re fate will soon be sealed.


  2. Apostasy caries a death sentence, so how can a Muslim prove that his apparent apostasy is really taqiyya? Find out how they intend to prove it, and deport them for lying on their application.

    If a Muslim doesn’t have any way to prove it, accuse him of insulting Mohammed or desecrating a Koran, so that the other Muslims will lynch him.

    “Here, post a video online of you standing on a Koran and calling Mohammed a pedophile while eating a strip of bacon, and we’ll say you’ve converted to Christianity.”

  3. yep, geeknerd, it works both ways. too bad they don’t yet know that the Scientologists have already desecrated their Alla & Mo and their book of death along with that big black kabob stand in the desert. it’s so easy to turn all the heathen cult of kek idiots on each other.

  4. ” Taquito ” Mexican magically delicious food that gringos love.

    I’ll take Mexicans over muzzies any day. they’re more in tune with God than those satan loving islamic shit stains.

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