Mike Bloomberg Proved To Be An Embarrassing Failure, Again – IOTW Report

Mike Bloomberg Proved To Be An Embarrassing Failure, Again

Federalist- The story of former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg is one of a whole lot of money spent on broken promises, no results, and a bad reputation. Bloomberg’s late entry into the crowded Democratic Party presidential primary last fall was marked with the intrigue of a well-financed and well-known candidate deploying a unique strategy in an unusual race.

One of the richest men in the world, who built a financial empire complete with a massive media conglomerate reaching his name to the far corners of the Earth, Bloomberg served three terms as New York City mayor before jumping into presidential politics personally.

The Manhattan business mogul dove both feet in as a relatively fresh face whose political reputation beyond the Big Apple could best-described as “The Big Gulp” guy for his ban on large sodas. With a net worth of about $53 billion at the time he launched his campaign and coming from the same background as the incumbent president, Bloomberg was in position to brand himself as richer than Donald Trump, smarter than Donald Trump, more experienced than Donald Trump, and more successful than Donald Trump, while claiming to be a moderate voice in a primary pushing the party left at breakneck speed. more here

6 Comments on Mike Bloomberg Proved To Be An Embarrassing Failure, Again

  1. Speaking of embarrassing failures… I found this somewhere on the internets:
    My Dear Friends and Benefactors,
    Isn’t it an awe-inspiring marvel to witness the power of our comrades at work?
    I am referring, of course, to the perfectly orchestrated elevation of our champion in shining white armor, Joe Lepetomane Biden, to the Office of the President-Elect! What a victory! And let us not forget our champion in shining colored armor, Kamala Harris! What a coup!
    Leaders of nations around the world, and even the Pope and his hierarchy, are congratulating us and celebrating our victory. Champagne bottles are being uncorked! Crack pipes and syringes are being unpacked! Wads of cash are exchanging hands! Pizza and hot dog parties are springing up everywhere! Covens are cranking up their incantations! Fires are being stoked under witches’ cauldrons! The American Spring is here!
    I must express, however, my disappointment that our joy is falling short of unanimous. Several of you have spoken to me anxiously about the court challenges and recounts. Do not be dismayed, my friends, at the piddling legal maneuvers being raised by our enemy, Mr. Trump, and his cabal of fascist white supremacists. These pitiful and futile ploys are merely the last whimpers of a dying administration, and signify the death knell of resistance to our New World Order. We shall stamp out these last embers of rebellion soon enough! As our outspoken spokeswoman from New York, AOC would say, “It is inevitable!”
    I am anticipating with relish, as I am sure are you, the suppression of that opiate of the masses: religion. Particularly the pestiferous Christian religion. I am anticipating the tearing down of the Mexican border wall, as I fantasize about President Biden appearing at the border to say “Deposed Donald Trump, tear down that wall!” I am anticipating the influx of millions of instantly new American citizens from our neighbors to the south! I am anticipating the unrestricted resumption of abortion up to and beyond childbirth – er, fetus birth! I am anticipating the establishment of numerous autonomous zones in our flourishing cities, free of white supremacist police interference! I am anticipating the re-signing of the Paris Climate Change Accord, and the legislating of sustainable tax rates for the bourgeois middle class. I am anticipating endless COVID-19 lockdowns to finish off the evil capitalist economy of America. I am anticipating the appointment of Anthony “Do What You’re Told” Fauci to be the new vaccine czar. I am anticipating the arrival of health passports to ensure universal mandatory vaccination!
    And I am especially anticipating a fresh influx of cash from China to keep us all in lavish surroundings for the foreseeable future. Lepetomane Joe paved the way for the steady flow of those benefits, but we surely have earned them by our hard work on all those mail-in ballots!
    So, my friends, if you find yourselves doubting the durability of our resounding victory, just remind yourselves of the enlightened Marxist utopia that awaits us. America, the home of the free for the European pig and the land of the capitalist knave, will soon be brought to her knees before the workers’ revolution.
    Socialists, march on! In Soros we trust! Uncle Xi: Sig heil!
    I, your most humble Supreme Pastor, salute your integrity, authenticity and intersectionality!

    Pray with me now my bruthas and sistahs:
    Joe Lepetomane Biden is my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down with transexuals. He leadeth me toward still voting booths. He restoreth my welfare. He leadeth me down the path of voter fraud and corruption for his name’s sake.
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of Nancy Pelosi, I will fear no evil, for thy BLM Domestic Terrorists art with me.
Thy propaganda comforts me. Thou anointest my head with bullshit.
Forgive us for our emissions, lead us not into prosperity and deliver us from climate denial. Surely more entitlement programs and government intervention shall follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the Democratic Peoples Republic forever and ever.
    Put yer hand on the Internet and say Amen!

    (Rev.) Jim Jones
    Supreme Pastor and CEO, Healthier Lives Matter
    Little St. James Island

    PS: Since we all officially died in 1978, it automatically means we can vote as many times as we like! Do send me a private email about the number of times YOU voted! The winner will be awarded a night of special favors in our pizza and hot dog cabana, with special thanks to John Podesta and enjoy the Kool-Aid!

  2. I beg to differ, Bloomsie isn’t embarrassing, he’s amusing !
    And inspiring, in a backhanded way.
    I’m not rich, but at least I’m not stupid like he is, so it’s reassuring that brains, and looks, and normal height won’t make you rich– because the little prince’s got none of that!


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