Mike Cernovich to challenge Gov. Newsom if recall campaign is successful – IOTW Report

Mike Cernovich to challenge Gov. Newsom if recall campaign is successful

Conservative Review- If the recall effort against California Gov. Gavin Newsom is successful, conservative firebrand Mike Cernovich is prepared to enter the race.

Petitioners who back the #RecallGavin2020 campaign have until March 17, the extended deadline, to garner the 1.5 million signatures necessary to move forward with the recall process and force the special election under California code. The initiative is only about 200,000 valid signatories away from the targeted goal.

Newsom’s potential boot from office could open the floodgates for challengers across the political spectrum. Candidacy requirements under such recall scenarios are lower than the general election’s qualifications.

In Cernovich’s Periscope video on Monday, he noted that his chances of winning in the left-aligned state of California are almost non-existent with “0% chance.”

“I have no delusion about that, but if I can get enough of a base of support I can force hair gel Hitler, which is what we call Newsom,” Cernovich said, “to answer for his human rights violations.” more

12 Comments on Mike Cernovich to challenge Gov. Newsom if recall campaign is successful

  1. may not win but will do better than the liberal carpetbagger Cox. Liberal Cal GOP “leaders” have a low opinion of conservatives. To them we are either:
    Lazy- not willing to do our homework. Not that far off; given how few checked the history of the most liberal judge in American history. I did my homework; both last year and 16 years ago.

    Or can not read. Not likely. But given how much some of us do not read about the left wingers the GOP tells us are “conservative” not out of the question.Will do better than Cox; if the leftist GOP “elite” back Gruesom then Gruesom wins. As was the case with Joe last year!

  2. As long as Kalifornia commies count the votes this whole charade is a waste of time. Besides, even if there are 300 million legal petition signers, in Kalifornia a corrupt democrat judge will toss the whole thing out.

  3. Newsom is in serious trouble. This is terrific.

    Whoever replaces him – they’ll likely have a moral core miles above his, not to mention ability and loyalty.

    Newsom is garbage. He came out of the same landfill as Kamala Harris.

  4. Careful with Cernovic. He is not exactly a conservative, nor a Trump supporter as he would like you believe.
    Exhibit A.
    “Tonight was the end of any remaining hopes – delusional or otherwise – that Trump would remain in office for a second term.
    He capitulated totally, a pathetic act of weakness leaving a stain on his presidency.
    Entered a lion, left a lamb. Mitch’s and Pelosi’s favorite mutton.”

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