Mike Huckabee: Red Hen Restaurant Owner Followed Sanders Family To Next Restaurant to Continue Harassment – IOTW Report

Mike Huckabee: Red Hen Restaurant Owner Followed Sanders Family To Next Restaurant to Continue Harassment

Conservative Treehouse:

Back Story Here –  The story of White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders being kicked out of a Virginia restaurant by the owner, Stephanie Wilkinson, takes on more context today as Mike Huckabee explained during a radio interview.

According to Mr. Huckabee the owner of the Red Hen restaurant not only kicked out Sarah Sanders and her in-laws, but she followed them to another restaurant, organized a group of people to assist her efforts, and then led the mob in continued harassment of the Sanders family.  more



16 Comments on Mike Huckabee: Red Hen Restaurant Owner Followed Sanders Family To Next Restaurant to Continue Harassment

  1. @ Loco – C’mon would you not want to PUNCH a loud mouth in the face? Lay ’em out first? Stand over them…spit on them. And say “get out of my face.”

    Bronx karate…

    When they bring a piece? That’s different…always be ready.


  2. Just like a adverse to guns liberal to bring a wooden stick to a gun fight. Notice they don’t try this crap in places that don’t have restrictive gun laws?

  3. Life must be so miserable for “liberals”, who must constantly remind us how smart they are, to have to go through life putting up with us peasants and our antiquated values.

  4. It is obvious to me, and someone else here at IOTW,that Sarah has a spy in her office. She decides to drive three hours from DC to eat at an obscure shithole in Lexington, VA. Why? She probably wanted to get away from DC. OK.
    But someone tipped off the Red Hen employees that Sarah was coming. My guess is that these Red Hen employees couldn’t name the Capital of the US; the first President of the US: The Chief Justice of the US; the faces on Mount Rushmore; they couldn’t tell you who wrote the Declaration of Independence; the Bill of Rights. They couldn’t name the current Vice President. They are phucking morons. Yet they “recognized” Sarah Sanders?
    It was a tip off. She was bush whacked, Just like HSD Kirstjen Nielsen and others. These people are very sick, demented, and dangerous. If our government can’t do anything about this, or what that weirdo Wiener Fonda
    said; not to mention Mad Maxine Waters, then we have no Government and eventually we will see a “free for all.” Choose your weapons, lock and load.
    Oh did I mention Senator Schumer’s daughter is marrying a girl?
    How phucking sweet!

  5. Sounds like someone should stop by the local Red Hen and explain in clear body language why there are some dumb things people do that should be thought through thoroughly in advance…

  6. Call the Red Hen and make reservation s for 12 to 14, tell them your coming from New York. They’ll love it. Then don’t show up. Or show up, hang around for a while studying the menu, then walk out. It’s been done. Takes just a little imagination.
    Saul Alansky dosen’t rule.

  7. Tom: When you wrote that a few days ago, I thought it might be a little over the top. With this new information, I don’t think your suggestion goes far enough!

  8. A little clarification…
    The Red Hen reservation was made in Sarah’s husband’s name Bryan. It wasn’t until a Hen employee recognized Sarah and made a call to the unhinged Wilkinson woman.

  9. The Red Hen has been closed since this happened. My thoughts is that it will not re-open. The owner and her “progressive” chef no longer have a livelihood because of their stupid ideals. With this hanging over the chef’s head they will be lucky to be a line cook in a diner.

    Waffle House is always hiring cooks.


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