Mike Johnson Withdraws Government Funding Bill, Which Includes SAVE Act Just Hours Before Scheduled Vote – IOTW Report

Mike Johnson Withdraws Government Funding Bill, Which Includes SAVE Act Just Hours Before Scheduled Vote

Who didn’t see that coming?

Gateway Pundit

House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) yanked a critical government funding bill just hours before it was scheduled for a vote.

This bill, backed by former President Donald Trump and aimed at addressing voter fraud through the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act, was poised to be a major victory for conservatives pushing for election integrity.

President Donald Trump made it clear that he stands firmly behind the SAVE Act, urging Congress to include the provision in any government funding bill. Trump has called for a government shutdown if the act is not included, prioritizing electoral integrity over the continuous funding of a bloated federal government.

“”If Republicans in the House, and Senate, don’t get absolute assurances on Election Security, THEY SHOULD, IN NO WAY, SHAPE, OR FORM, GO FORWARD WITH A CONTINUING RESOLUTION,” Trump wrote on Truth Social.

Speaking on Monica Crowley’s podcast, Trump said, “I would shut down the government in a heartbeat if they don’t get it in the bill… If it’s not in the bill, you ought to close it up.”

But, as always, the weak establishment Republicans, led by Johnson, crumbled under pressure from the RINOs and Democrats. more

19 Comments on Mike Johnson Withdraws Government Funding Bill, Which Includes SAVE Act Just Hours Before Scheduled Vote

  1. The SAVE Act, as written, is not all it’s cracked up to be. If I remember right, there’s provisions in it for millions of illegal invaders to be granted amnesty. Why can’t congress write a simple bill that says, you can’t vote if you are not a citizen. Period.

  2. It’s called a “poison pill” in the corporate world. It’s when a company puts provisions in their charter that make the firm unpalatable to any prospective takeover artist.

    I imagine Congress has taken this old trick to heart and now produces bills that they can claim do one thing that the majority want yet contain provisions that nobody who faces reelection could possibly sign on for. The scammers get what they want, to claim that they tried to pass a bill their constituents want but they just couldn’t get enough members of to vote for it, making it everyone else’s fault. Meanwhile, those who did not back the bill from the same party can point to those provisions they could not vote for and so they get to claim a victory of sorts.

    They often add riders as bills are going through the committee process to do the same.

    Given that most voters don’t have the time or inclination to follow these scams they all get away with it.

  3. Been out and about among many today talking about the debate, and my read is that people are pissed about the 3 on 1 bullshit more than anything. This Johnson weasel needs to GTFO of the way of the Trump train. Folks are fed the fuck up.

  4. I can see voting against a bill, ANY bill, but at least tell us WHY! you voted against it.
    All part of the so-called “transparency” that all politicians want, but no one ever practices.

  5. It’s obviously easier for the pols to steal if there is NO actual budget.

    We have tolerated their criminal shenanigans for a generation and it is categorically ridiculous to believe they will do anything to fix it.

    Problems don’t persist for 25 – 50 years unless those problems aren’t problems for the ones who are paid to fix them.

    Rotten public schools, colleges, and universities, inflation, corruption in the DHS, DOJ, and FBI (&c.), influx of rat-people, budgets, money laundering in Ukraine … you name it … the problems persist because they’re profitable.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. The heroic gesture. Thanks fellas for the ‘effort’. Just like all the other almost, aalllmossstt successes against the communists you just couldn’t quite pull it off.

    I have reached the DILIGAF stage with the repukelican grifters party. Shine that light up a goat’s ass boys, you’ll likely find a diamond! Now get on with ya!

  7. All part of the negotiations….say what you will this is just part of the game to help bring the bill down to the wire which will put a lot of pressure on the Dem party…Trump has the Dems boxed in on this issue…the problem for most people…they don’t know how to really negotiate anything


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