Mike Lee to Seek Senate Approval of S.386 Outsourcing Bill by ‘Unanimous Consent’ – IOTW Report

Mike Lee to Seek Senate Approval of S.386 Outsourcing Bill by ‘Unanimous Consent’


Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) is expected to seek Senate passage of his S.386 job-outsourcing bill Wednesday evening.

If no Republican or Democrat objects to Lee’s actions,  his bill will pass the Senate by so-called “Unanimous Consent,” (UC), setting the stage for a joint House-Senate conference to draft a final bill.

Lee’s aggressive effort to pass the bill by UC is a threat to the GOP Senators and their slim majority, an immigration activist told Breitbart News. “They have to give Georgia Republicans a reason to vote [in January] — and UC for this bill ain’t that,” the activist said.

Lee is trying to pass the bill after Sen. Rick Scott (R-FL) dropped his opposition to the legislation.

Activists hope that Georgia Senators Kelly Loeffler and Sen. David Perdue will announce opposition to the bill — although Lee’s surprise move caught them while they are campaigning in Georgia. In August, Loeffler praised President Donald Trump for adopting reforms of the H-1B program.

Lee’s bill would remove the so-called country caps on employers’ award of green cards to their foreign workers. The change would allow hundreds of thousands of Indian visa workers to jump to the front of the line, bypassing would-be immigrants from various other countries, including the Philippines and Costa Rica. more

26 Comments on Mike Lee to Seek Senate Approval of S.386 Outsourcing Bill by ‘Unanimous Consent’

  1. Mike Lee and any of our supposed “representatives” in govt. that support this bill are enemies of America and deserve to be hung by the neck until dead for their outright treason against our country!

    Mike Lee is a sold out traitor to America that deserves the worst possible things that could happen to him. He is bought and paid for by Google and other left wing scum that want cheap labor at the expense of “working class” Americans that actually have to work for a living.

    I think and hope that most Americans are beyond tired of being sold out by the less than worthless scum that claims to falsely represent the interests of the American public. He is simply another RINO that needs to be done away with. Lee is another scumbag that spouts one thing in public, while stabbing all of is in the back when it comes to sponsoring and voting for laws that negatively affect us all. All because he is paid for selling out his own country by Chinese owned interests while lying about being a “constitutionalist”. He is abject scum and any politicians that attempt to defend this garbage are as guilty as he is. To hell with all of them!

  2. RINO Shitbird is screwing everyone over again I see. His latest plan is to put out this treason with the caveat that it passes unless you vote against it?
    Time to shoot this asshole.

  3. It demonstrates just how little concern he has for the american people. He knows as well as we do that the majority of americans want a stop or a slowing of this massive influx of unassimilated immigrants.
    He views Trump as in a weakened position and feels now is the time to strike.
    Fucking reptile.

  4. “Prepare for a real and poweful 3rsld party.”

    The time for that, as far as being able to have any significant effect, came and went back during the Clinton administration.

  5. It’s a great big sloppy kiss to big tech who want to hire these people.
    right after the senate had hearings on big tech censoring conservatives.
    now election is over, back to republicans totally fucking over the people who voted for them.

    Like i’ve said a million times. The republican party is not going to save me, you or any other conservative from jack shit.

    I wouldn’t vote for one of those csuckers if my life depended on it.

  6. POTUS’s biggest strength is he never took money when there was an obligation attached. All other republicans (politicians) in public office at every level take the money and they may cringe when they get the call or are handed the legislation or ask but they know the game and they try to cushion the blow to their political career with games like everyone silently goes along and what did Scott get for dropping opposition. It is exactly why so many republicans are hoping Trump is history and everything can go back to ‘normal’.

  7. Unanimous Consent. The tool of sleazebags. Not one senator could be found to block this? Lee is a traitor to his country and his state. I have two boys educated for careers in engineering, one with a BS in Biological Engineering from USU and another graduating this month with a BS in Electrical Engineering from the U of U. They want to start their lives. The universities here in Utah are churning out thousands of engineers each year, but business claims they don’t exist — except, of course, the foreign graduates looking for their practical experience.

    I wish I was in better health. I would be out circulating a petition to recall Bro. Lee (R-Bangalore) and Bro. Mitt (R-Davos). There was an attempt last year, but it came to nothing.

    Stop calling them RINOs. They are Republicans, through and through. They don’t want to lead. They prefer to be the loyal opposition, bloviating to an empty chamber, and work their self-serving backroom deals in relative obscurity. Remember, Republicans did absolutely nothing in four years, two years controlling both houses of Congress and the Presidency, to clean up the electoral process or reign in old media and social media.

    This act guarantees Georgia will vote against the incumbents. Purdue deserves to lose, after withdrawing his block against the bill. I suspect there has been some serious hardball being played here. I notice that Trump’s nominee for FCC commissioner was passed out of committee, where it had been languishing for months, possibly years, because the chairman was blocking action. That’s what scum do. They strategically block logical and needed actions so they can use the leverage to force unpopular actions through. They play with our lives like we were nothing more than ants.

    Of course, crickets from the local press. They are preoccupied with Xi virus case numbers (still can’t figure out the correlation between increased case numbers and the increased testing they were demanding for months).

  8. I am an unemployed software engineer – for almost 2 years! My area is flooded with Indians. Being a senior engineer, I have no chance to find work when local companies simply hire Rajesh or Xi at 30% less the fair area salary. This was an anti-American move typifying what has gone wrong in America since the late 1970s. The government sellout of America continues. People like Lee should be placed in the stocks and stoned. Lee’s actions (and Sen. Cramer’s, ND) are downright treasonous. They are both disgusting POS.

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