Mike Pence Heckled in New Hampshire – IOTW Report

Mike Pence Heckled in New Hampshire

GP: Former Vice President Mike Pence was met with vocal criticism and heckling from supporters of former President Donald Trump during a town hall meeting at American Legion Post 27 in Londonderry on Friday.

Pence was confronted by protestors questioning his loyalty to former President Trump and the American people and accusing him of disregarding the Constitution.

Trump supporters surrounded Mike Pence’s car as he arrived at his Friday town hall, shouting, “That’s a traitor,” “You’re a sellout,” according to ABC reporter Kelsey Walsh.

“Why did you sell out the people?” one protestor said.

Another protester asks Pence why he didn’t “uphold the Constitution.” MORE

24 Comments on Mike Pence Heckled in New Hampshire

  1. Number one: He’s gotten fat.
    Nuber two: He’s resorted to calling names and lying.
    Not very Christian of him.
    We can only hope when he loses he takes time to reflect and realize he was a traitor and a pawn of big money swamp bosses and repents.

  2. Why is this jackass even in the race? According to the polls, he only has 2-4% support among republicans, so no chance of getting the nomination. Trump supporters hate him, anti-Trump have always hated him, and dems would never vote for him, so what’s the point? Using campaign donations to launder bribe money? I don’t get it .

  3. Tony R AT 12:43 PM
    “Why is this jackass even in the race?”

    …to take what votes he can from President Trump, sow discord in the Republican Party and the electorate, make phat bank on contributions from Deep Staters paying him his traitor’s wage, have a platform to attack President Trump from that the Democrat media will gladly grant him, and his MAIN purpose, as always, is to serve his master satan.

  4. Nothing has changed with him. He’s a saboteur and was placed with Trump to rat on any plans Trump had.
    In war the enemy always has their spies.
    I’m OK with him trying to run, the mocking is gonna be brutal on him. Enjoy.

  5. “30 pieces of silver” Pence – lying demoniac operative posing as a Christian. Exactly like Judas who faked being a follower of Christ. Full of resentment and hate towards God and his people.
    He’ll get his reward for faithful allegiance to Satan – an eternity in Hell. Eventually, the Swamp State will manage his exit after his usefulness ends. That may be sooner than he thinks.

  6. @JB_Honeydew:

    We need to bring back the throwing of rotten fruits and vegetables at rotten individuals such as this.

    Rotten fruits and vegetables and plastic bags full of vulture vomit.

    I hope the fuck gets ass cancer.

    I had to think about this for a second, but yeah. Ass cancer.

  7. I’m getting 2-3 emails a day from his campaign that say this:

    “…Friend, it’s Mike Pence here.

    This is urgent, so please pay attention.

    I am currently well short of the critical 40,000 donors threshold to secure a spot for the first Republican Presidential Debate in August.

    That’s why I am personally reaching out to you. Can you donate just $1 to help me hit this critical threshold?…”

    Begging for one dollar. It’s pathetic!

  8. stirrin the pot AT 4:27 PM
    “I’m getting 2-3 emails a day from his campaign that say this:

    “…Friend, it’s Mike Pence here.

    This is urgent, so please pay attention.

    I am currently well short of the critical 40,000 donors threshold to secure a spot for the first Republican Presidential Debate in August.

    That’s why I am personally reaching out to you. Can you donate just $1 to help me hit this critical threshold?…””

    …suggested reply;

    “That is not my concern.”

  9. @SNS – You are more diplomatic than me. If you could reply to these auto-emails – which you can’t – I would tell them to GFY…it’s not my concern.

  10. I love you guys but man, You are all WAY TOO POLITE!

    Watch a few Turdeau Gets Heckled Videos on Y-Tube.

    That is Heckling, F-U’s, and MORE.

    Trust Me, We have a lot LESS CLASS than You Americans.
    (it’s the Crown Royal & Nut Freezing Winters)


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