Mike Pompeo opts against 2024 presidential run – IOTW Report

Mike Pompeo opts against 2024 presidential run

JTN: Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo will not run for president in 2024, he confirmed on Friday.

The former Trump cabinet member announced his decision of Fox News’ “Special Report,” saying “[w]e have prayerfully come to the conclusion we are not going to join the race in 2024.”

“While, we care deeply about America and the issues I’ve been talking about for the past year and half and frankly for decades matter an awful lot – this isn’t our moment,” he added.

He confirmed that he would ultimately support the Republican nominee. Thus far, former President Donald Trump, former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley, former Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson, and tech mogul Vivek Ramaswamy have officially declared their candidacies for the Republican nomination. more

42 Comments on Mike Pompeo opts against 2024 presidential run

  1. I don’t think he has to spell it out. He is astute enough to know what’s going on. Trump’s poll numbers within the base are increasing almost exactly in proportion to his numbers with the rest of the voters tanking. According to The Hill article, I read this morning, only 25% of Americans have a favorable opinion of Trump. But, as we have been told right here, all Trump needs is his base.

  2. Why does Pompeo employ the royal plural talking about himself??
    Arrogance, or because his head is so fat?

    With the entire War For Ukraine shitshow collapsing, maybe CIA Mike is planning to lay low in a village in Kenya with fellow State Dept and CIA alums. A sorta MIC sleepover camp

  3. Right now Biden has a 34% approval rating, but Trump’s is worse with a 25% approval rating. Two-thirds of ALL registered voters, which by dint of numbers has to include some Republicans do not want him anywhere near the WH. But you just know in your heart that if you wish really hard you will be able to circumvent the math. Please explain to me how you see this unfolding.

  4. Pompeo was probably the best Secretary of state we’ve ever had. Nikki Haley was an awesome U.N. Rep. As long as Trump was telling them what to do. I hope Pompeo reaches down and finds some balls and rejoins MAGA. Most are born to follow, few are born to lead.

  5. “Right now Biden has a 34% approval rating, but Trump’s is worse with a 25% approval rating”

    Well then I guess we’re screwed because DeSantes will get steam rolled. Did you take that Poll. I like how you state it like it’s fact. If there’s one thing I believe, it’s Polls. NOT. Keep campaigning. I hope you’re getting paid for this shit.

  6. Knowing that you have short-term memory problems, I will repeat for the umpteenth time, I will vote for the nominee, whoever it is. But I asked a serious question, how do you expect to win with such appalling approval numbers? Is your answer,”Well, there is plenty of time to turn those numbers around?”, OK, how is he going to do that? With a not insignificant percentage of Republicans not on board and virtually ALL of the low-information voters who walk by the newsstands in their local supermarkets and every headline has Trump in court defending himself over something, these folks are not on board and won’t be voting for him, where do you see these magical votes coming from?

  7. “Knowing that you have short-term memory problems, I will repeat for the umpteenth time,”

    What an ass. What does that have to do with our current conversation dick head? My point is unless we institute paper ballots, stop ballot harvesting, clean the Libtards out of local polling, we will lose again. And you answer with that weak shit? That’s all you and you’re sister have are insults. I’m done for the night, this is stupid.

  8. When you say ,”I hope you’re getting paid for this shit”, I have to remind you of this because as predictable as the sun rises in the East and sets in the West, come tomorrow you will forget.

    “That’s all you and you’re sister have are insults.”

    And yet it is you, for the whole world to see, you are the one using invectives, yet another leftist tactic that you go to as default.

    “I’m done for the night”

    Of course, you are, running away yet again. I ask an honest question to which you have no answers. In Brad-World all he has to do is wish really hard, tap his heels together three times, and it will magically happen.

  9. LOL, just keep typing dip shit. You’re doing fine. Hold on, I’m clicking my heels.
    There’s not one bit of logical brain function in what you typed. Just more insults. That’s all you have.
    DeSantes is not prepared to be President of our country even if we could get a fair election. Which as of right now, we can’t. Now what. Throw me some more insults.

  10. And yet, all you have is more deflecting. Admit it, you have no answers to any of the questions that I asked you. All you can speak about is Ron DeSantis, even though not once have I brought him up in any of my comments.

    I will let you off the hook once again. Silly me for thinking you capable of honest and fair discourse.

  11. DeSantis has been an extremely successful governor of the third largest populous state going on 5 years.
    “Not ready to be president”
    Nigga please!
    He has, can, & will run rings around Trump’s successes.
    Fuck all the drama, govern.
    He does that in spades.

  12. The questions I asked you were not hidden, they were right there staring you in the face. You are intentionally ignoring them because you have no answers. We get it.

  13. “If you want, I can be a very vicious motherfucker.”

    Ewe. Nothing worse than a pissed off drunk midget.

    I’m thinking your best course of action is to not vote for Trump. Write in Ronda. That will be your only choice.

  14. “Reread the comments, everybody else can see them but you.”

    LOL, I thought so. You’re so full of shit. I’m not getting how your money train allows you to be glued to your computer 24/7.

  15. Do any of you know how to re-new a 1973 IRS Beetle transmission? My 1973 pops out of reverse sometimes.

    Oh, and I had a scout hummingbird come to my feeder a week ago. It is Spring, again!

  16. “Well you have established me as your enemy”

    Nope, only evil people are my enemy, you are not evil, just stupid. And not stupid in all things, just your fraternity to the notion ,”If you are not in my club and in good standing, then you are my enemy”, which is really dumb. Not as dumb as,”I would rather lose without you than win with you”, but right up there.

  17. In my late 50’s , been a registered/active voter since 18 years old. Never been asked to participate in a poll , in person anywhere or by phone (landline or cell) . In today’s political climate , and with fake spoofing calls , I would most likely decline to participate in political opinion questions with strangers in any type of forum , I don’t think I am alone in keeping my opinions close to the vest . I’ve also thought that when the curtains close at the booth , alot of union voters don’t vote Dem , they’re on the clock when politicians rally at factories etc.

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