Mike Rowe Points To 9/11 Hero As He Shares His Thoughts About Nike’s Kaepernick Ad Campaign – IOTW Report

Mike Rowe Points To 9/11 Hero As He Shares His Thoughts About Nike’s Kaepernick Ad Campaign

Daily Caller: Mike Rowe pointed to the bravery of one of the passengers on Flight 93 on Sept. 11, 2001 when asked his thoughts about Nike’s latest ad campaign featuring Colin Kaepernick.

In the ad, the former San Francisco 49ers quarterback is featured with the words, “Believe in something, even if it means sacrificing everything.”

“Nike’s free to celebrate whomever they wish, and Kaepernick is entitled to his opinion–kneeling, standing, or lying down,” the 56-year-old television host explained on his Facebook Monday. “But if I was going to put someone’s face on a billboard – someone who epitomized bravery and sacrifice – I might have gone another way, especially this time of year. I might have gone with this guy – Tom Burnett.”

Rowe continued, “Tom’s last act on earth was one of the most courageous things imaginable. And his last words to his wife, Deena, are among the most inspiring I’ve ever heard. Those exact words are at the top of this page, and the bottom. They were spoken 17 years ago, under conditions I hope to never experience. I’ll never forget Tom’s last words. I hope you won’t either.”

The host of “Dirty Jobs then shared the details of the phone messages between Burnett–who was on board the plane from Newark to San Francisco that was hijacked by terrorists–and his wife. Burnett along with the other passengers on the plane worked together to try to take down their hijackers, ultimately crashing the plane in a field in Pennsylvania that was headed for Washington, D.C.  more here

8 Comments on Mike Rowe Points To 9/11 Hero As He Shares His Thoughts About Nike’s Kaepernick Ad Campaign

  1. Interestingly, you can no longer access this post from Mike Rowe nor the comments directly on Facebook. It does not show up in his feed. You can find it if you click to Mike Rowe but it will not allow you to read the whole thing or access the comments. Am I to assume Facebook is censoring Mike Rowe now. Ridiculous.

  2. One of my college fraternity brothers, Christian Wemmers, was in a business meeting on an upper floor of the first tower hit and died that day. He came here from Germany to attend college and was, I’m told, very successful in business after college.

  3. 17 years ago, I was a Special Forces Guard Guy. I had just returned from the weekly stand-up at the Ops Group. I heard something on the radio about an explosion at the WTC. I went down to the team room and got one of the little black and white TV’s. I just got it turned on and tuned in in time to see the plane hit WTC2. I picked up the phone and called the Unit Commander and told him “We are at war”. He had been watching it at the University and was well aware of what was happening. We went over short term plans that had to be completed in preparation for deployment. I reminded him that we currently had one team of four personnel at a JRTC training rotation at Ft Polk. Finished that call and then did a ring down of the recall roster and told the unit to talk to their employers and prepare them for their departure, talk to your families and prepare them, prep your bags and get your power of attorneys and your wills up to date and stand by for orders.

    I hate this day, even 17 years after it crushes my heart. Because as much as was stolen and killed and harmed 17 years ago, as much as we have fought and died and paid the price

    This nation has forgotten.

    Well some have, not those who will never forgive and those who will never forget,
    But those who didn’t want to see when it happened,
    those who made excuses for those who did such evil,
    they are the ones who claimed we caused this,
    and are the ones who claim today that they are “The religion of peace”
    That we are the ones who caused the problems in the world,
    That we deserved this.

    I hate this day, obama proclaimed whose side he was on,
    and was elected twice.
    He comes out this month and complains that the recovery that President Trump has brought,
    is his.

    And the Media celebrates. I hate this day, not because of what it has meant,
    But because those in power have not remembered,
    And that means that another day must come.
    I hate this day.

    MSG Grumpy

  4. @christy944: If you didn’t know any better, you’d almost think there was some sort of conspiracy going on, wouldn’t you?

    If you didn’t know any better, that is.

    /sarc off/

  5. 9/11 brought a lot of things in perspective. The first being that there was no unity afterwards. Bush had just been elected controversially.

    What would have happened if he shut down all air travel 6 months after his election? Tyrant! Dictator! Usurper! Hail to the Thief!

    Not even a month later, the Left was already protesting any response. They weren’t going to support an illegitimate President and didn’t want 911 to be the excuse for others to either. The seeds of My Pet Goat, fire doesn’t melt steel and 9/11 Trutherism coupled with the Left’s usual “we deserved it anyway” position.

    911 Truthers never suffered any repercussions for wild conspiracy theories.

    But the wildest theory is that the country was unified. It was not and has not been since.

  6. G_d Bless you MSG Grumpy.
    We have forgotten and are starting to actively erase the memory of that day and to teach a bastardized account of what happened to our children.
    (See the story from yesterday about the HS teacher in Cedar Rapids who doesn’t want students to use the names of the animals that caused the carnage lest the RoP adherents become upset.)
    I too hate this day.

  7. Today 9-11 would’ve been my 41st wedding anniversary. This is how I choose to remember 9-11. Living in the Pac. NW the events that happened on 9-11 were so far removed from me as to be almost unreal but it affected all Americans even those of us who were far removed from what happened that day. The biggest thing I remember just after 9-11 was how quiet it was with no airplanes in the sky for 3-4 days afterwards. That in itself was surreal because I’m so used to hearing airplanes flying over my house all the time on their way to land and take off from Spokane Intl. Airport.


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