Mike Tyson ‘died’ while tripping on psychedelic toad venom – IOTW Report

Mike Tyson ‘died’ while tripping on psychedelic toad venom

NYP: Mike Tyson dropped dead from drugs — sorta.

“I ‘died’ during my first trip,” the 55-year-old former world champion boxer told The Post at Wonderland, a Miami conference dedicated to psychedelics, microdosing and medicine. “In my trips I’ve seen that death is beautiful. Life and death both have to be beautiful, but death has a bad rep. The toad has taught me that I’m not going to be here forever. There’s an expiration date.”

The “toad” is Bufo alvarius, a Mexico amphibian otherwise known as the Sonoran Desert Toad. It spends seven months of the year living underground, but when it’s active, its venom can be smoked to produce a short psychoactive trip. The venom has long been used in traditional healing rituals but, with the popularity of LSD and ayahuasca among the rich and famous, “the toad” is getting a lot of more attention. read more

22 Comments on Mike Tyson ‘died’ while tripping on psychedelic toad venom

  1. “Whatcha smokin’ there, Mike?”



    “Not just any Toad. Trippy Toad. From my pet ‘Trippy’ over there.”

    “That looks like some good Toad, Mike.”


  2. Picked schrooms in the 70’s.In every cow
    field in the “Low Country” of coastal South Carolina
    the morning after a good rain.Alot of colors!
    Quit because it always made me extremely paranoid.
    Thought the devil and the police were after me!
    These days caffeine & beer are the only drugs I use.

  3. You’re all in for a treat with this great old poem written by Mason Williams of Classical Gas fame called Toad Suckers. Here goes, How about them Toad Suckers, Ain’t they clods? Sittin’ there suckin’ them green toady-frogs. Sucking them hop-toads, Suckin’ them clunkers, Suckin’ them leapy types, Suckin’ them plunkers. Look at them Toad Suckers, Ain’t they snappy? Suckin’ them bog-frogs sure makes them happy. Them hugger mugger Toad Suckers, way down South, Stickin’ them sucky-toads in they mouth. How to be a Toad-Sucker? No way to duck it. Gittyseff a toad, rare back and suckit. I first ran across this poem in a little books of poems by Mason Williams in an import market store some 50 years ago. ENJOY!

  4. There is something to it: a new perspective feom all parts of your brain, not just your damaged upbringing. But, there are risks, too: already well-functioning people can get twisted.

    Everything in moderation…

  5. I’m not saying anything bad about Mike.
    I like him.
    He knows he is flawed (like all of us) and tries to be better.
    When he did his time, and there are many doubts that his wife was telling the truth.
    Many people have exploited him and abandoned him.
    He gets a pass from me.

    I love the way he ripped Toronto reporter Nathan Downer on live TV and called him a “Punk ass bitch” for calling him a sexual abuser well after he did his time as mentioned. Look it up on Y-Tube.

  6. RADIOATIONMAN – I picked plenty of cubensis mushrooms when I was stationed in Biloxi. Like you said, just head for a cow pasture after a rainy night. I laughed so hard my face was sore the next day!

  7. One toad makes you larger
    And one toad makes you small,
    And the ones that mother gives you
    Don’t do anything at all.
    Go ask Michael
    When he’s ten feet tall.
    And if you go chasing bufos
    And you know you’re going to fall,
    Tell ’em a amphibian smoking Tyson
    Has given you the call.
    Call Michael
    When he was just small.
    When the men on the chessboard
    Get up and tell you where to go
    And you’ve just had some kind of venom
    And your mind is moving low.
    Go ask Michael
    I think he’ll know.
    When logic and proportion
    Have fallen sloppy dead,
    And the Black Boxer is talking backwards
    And the Red Queen’s “off with her head!”
    Remember what the dormouse said:
    “Beat his head. Beat his head. Beat his head”



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