Milbank: ‘President Trump is killing me. No, really. He’s killing me’ – IOTW Report

Milbank: ‘President Trump is killing me. No, really. He’s killing me’

DC: Dana Milbank, a writer for The Washington Post, believes President Donald Trump is literally killing him.

Milbank said he discovered Trump’s presidency is affecting his health after visiting the doctor for his first physical in 49 years, in an opinion piece published Friday. Milbank said he had to report that he had not been feeling well recently.

“President Trump is killing me. No, really. He’s killing me,” Milbank wrote.

The WaPo writer said he has been suffering from fatigue, headaches, trouble sleeping, and chest pain. Milbank said his blood pressure was “alarmingly high” after his doctor tested it, making a point that his blood pressure has “always been normal.”  more here

26 Comments on Milbank: ‘President Trump is killing me. No, really. He’s killing me’

  1. Excellent, President Trump is used to more palatial surroundings than your cob web hung cluttered small mind, Dana he will shoulder on and drive you crazy, free of charge.
    Anybody watch the Emmys?
    Didn’t think so.
    All reports show President Trump is causing actors to lose their collective feeble minds.
    I wonder if they will get a rider on their lease to include the man living in their head?

  2. Dana, aren’t you a little old to be a snowflake? If you haven’t had a physical in 49 years it doesn’t sound like you take very good care of your self. You seem to be just another urinalist writing pissy stories.

  3. Whenever one of my leftist friends posts something stupid about President Trump on Facebook, I usually comment: “Even if President Trump didn’t accomplish one other good thing during his 8 years in office, I would still consider his Presidency a success in that it gave you leftists a chance to experience what the rest of us felt during the past 8 years.”

    Now, if he causes the early deaths of even a few Marxist propagandists like Millbanks, that would be an added bonus.

  4. Wow, if that is true, can he perhaps figure out a way to share his fate with the rest of the crap working for the Post?
    It would be the liberal thing to do. They like to share everything.

  5. Well all I can say is Obama affected my health for 8 years. I had high blood pressure, anything that I looked at that dealt with that black bastard and his Mooch wife, sent my blood pressure sky high. Recently, the doctor asked me what I did to bring down the pressure, I said “Trump got elected!” He laughed.

  6. Isn’t Dana a girls’ name? Is Dana a girl? Who’s a good girl?! Yes, you are! Wootsie wootsie woo! You’re a good girl!

    Okay, enough of my neighbors’ dog…so what the fuck gives with this stupid ass dipshit Wapo writer?

  7. barry killed off any access to healthcare I used to be able to afford. I haven’t been to the Dr. in 6 years because I can’t afford it. The company insurance I had was worthless because it covered everything except for routine Dr. visits. Thanks a lot barry for nothing. There is one good male named Dana out there, one of my favorite underrated actors Dana Andrews.

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