Miley Cyrus is a Complete Idiot – IOTW Report

Miley Cyrus is a Complete Idiot

Everyone’s bored of the ‘skank’ persona so now she’s “wholesome” again.

*Language is spicy*

25 Comments on Miley Cyrus is a Complete Idiot

  1. I’m not even clicking on that video.
    She so friggin skanky I don’t want any possibility of her infecting my computer!
    Miley’s a 10 footer!
    Get within 10 feet of her and you run the risk of snagging something jumping off of her!

  2. I think it’s important to showcase looney celebrities.
    We rode Clay Akin pretty hard [lolz] until he snapped a twig during his campaign that he pretty much disappeared. And do you think Ashley Juggs will run again after she painted herself with the crazy brush? We supplied her a lot of paint. 😉

  3. Pleas continue exposing these frauds for the empty, phony, ignorant scum they are. Somebody has to counter all the network entertainment shows that idolize these godless perverts.

  4. I lived in SoCal during the Hanna Montana series and word was that Miley’s younger sister was a class-A menace and under-aged drunk of the neighborhood. I don’t think Billy Ray Cyrus or Mama Ray Cyrus gave 2 shits about all the kids. It’s a blended family, too. She brought some or he brought some kids into the marriage. They’re divorced now. Seems like Miley got super weird just before that.

  5. My rule is never click on any link with Miley Cyrus in the title.
    I don’t know why I violated the rule for this post. I regret it.
    Somewhere she came to a fork in the road and took the wrong one and accelerated down it.
    Maybe she will survive the choice, but it’s doubtful.

  6. @joe6pak: Actually, I wasn’t trying to troll you, I just worded the warning wrong. The link(singular) to the right of the picture is labeled “Showing Xxx Images for Miley cyrus…”.

    That link takes you to a page containing a lot of other links with pictures and nasty, NSFW descriptions.

    THOSE are the links that you don’t want to click on (though you can eyeball the pictures if you like with no problem).

    I tried one of the links out of curiosity and my anti-virus program immediately squawked that it had blocked an attack by a “Fake Tech Support Website”, so I bailed out . Don’t need that crap.

    Sorry for the confusion.


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