Military Parents Lose Custody of 16-Year-Old Autistic Son After Refusing to Let Him Transition to a Girl – IOTW Report

Military Parents Lose Custody of 16-Year-Old Autistic Son After Refusing to Let Him Transition to a Girl

 Son is Currently in Foster Care Living with ‘Non-Gendered’ Chaplain Named “Lavender.”

14 Comments on Military Parents Lose Custody of 16-Year-Old Autistic Son After Refusing to Let Him Transition to a Girl

  1. I guess that the UCMJ doesn’t apply anymore to rid the military of homosexuals and other deviants like it did in my day. If I was a young man in my late teens or early 20’s in this day in age, there is no way in hell that I would join the democraps and bidumb’s military.

  2. The Communism creeped in while we were sleeping… the way it always does.
    You will own nothing, including your children

    I surely hope not, but it’s happening before our own eyes!

  3. Lavender aside…

    Something is wrong with the parenting. Children don’t suddenly become such mental basketcases that they have to be HOSPITALIZED? The parents had him put into a psych hospital? Gee… that’s going to go over well with a kid (not).

    Nor do they suddenly just become susceptible to gender nonsense unless there were prior problems of long standing. And now he’s of age, not a minor — so choosing to reside with this POS? Or did the state get guardianship?

    Where are the rest of the facts.

    I’m not excusing the gender garbage. I can’t say enough negative about it. But it seems like it’s only the latest in a line of reasons parents seize upon in order to avoid even part responsibility for their own bad parenting. (ADD, autism, peers, drugs, the school system, gun culture, social media…)

  4. “Evil faggots need to go to Hell where they belong.”
    “I’d kill over this!”

    This bull shits got to be stopped. And the last comment I copied is how you stop it. Who the living fuck do these people think they are?


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