Military planes evacuating Afghans drop flares, make ‘diving combat landings’ amid fears of ISIS missile attacks – IOTW Report

Military planes evacuating Afghans drop flares, make ‘diving combat landings’ amid fears of ISIS missile attacks

Daily Mail UK: Military planes evacuating Afghans drop flares and make ‘diving combat landings’ amid fears of ISIS missile attacks as TWENTY die including girl, two, at Kabul airport in stampede to escape Taliban before US lifeline ends.

Military planes making evacuation runs into Kabul are dropping flares and carrying out nosedive combat landings amid fears that Islamic terrorists may try to shoot one down as Afghans trying to flee the Taliban have described at least 20 civilians being killed in the chaos.

US military planes are doing rapid diving combat landings to beat the threat of a missile attack, with video showing a French transport plane yesterday deploying flares designed to confuse heat-seeking technology which may have been stolen by Islamic State in Afghanistan. more

10 Comments on Military planes evacuating Afghans drop flares, make ‘diving combat landings’ amid fears of ISIS missile attacks

  1. I heard that Biden is getting our commercial airlines into this New Stalingrad refugee evacuation. Please tell me that those planes are only picking up refugees wherever our military planes dump them in Europe. That has to be the plan. Biden’s cabal is at least that smart…right?

  2. Biden and his cohorts should be tared and feathered, run out of town on a rail, then lined up against the wall.
    (actually may be to good for them)
    islam delenda est.

  3. Will there be a few Taliban thugs on these commercial flights ? Then hijack the plane so to fly it into more towers?!! Is this Biden and Obama’s plan? Another 9-11 ??


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