Military “Transgender” Ban – IOTW Report

Military “Transgender” Ban


WASHINGTON, D.C. – President Donald Trump issued a new memorandum last Friday disqualifying “transgender” individuals from serving in the military, stating that the defense secretary and the homeland security secretary should “exercise their authority to implement any appropriate policies concerning military service by transgender individuals.”

The memorandum said individuals with a history of gender dysphoria, defined as “those who may require substantial medical treatment, including through medical drugs or surgery,” are disqualified from military service “except under certain limited circumstances.” Those who are currently in the United States military may remain in the ranks, but the Pentagon could require them to serve according to their gender at birth.

In a memo to the president, Defense Secretary Jim Mattis cited “substantial risks” about military personnel who seek to change or who question their gender identity. He found that individuals with a history or diagnosis of gender dysphoria presented a risk to military effectiveness and “could undermine readiness, disrupt unit cohesion, and impose an unreasonable burden on the military that is not conducive to military effectiveness and lethality.” This new policy will enable the military to apply well-established mental and physical health standards-including those regarding the use of medical drugs-equally to all individuals who want to join and fight for the best military force the world has ever seen.  Mattis suggested three exceptions:

11 Comments on Military “Transgender” Ban

  1. Well, seeing as there’s no such thing as “transgender” and that all these allegedly “transgender” folks are seriously mentally ill it may be a good idea to keep them away from weapons of mass destruction.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. I remember during the irag – iran war, iran was sending hoards of it’s sick, disabled and youth to storm irag’s front lines in front of the iran troops attacking.

    I personally have no problem with our war mongering neocons sending our brave, patiotic and proud gays and tranny’s to storm the enemies front lines, armed with only rifles and grenades.
    it will temporarily keep them out of our public schools and keep them from teaching our children all about their perversions.

  3. After eight years of Ocorpseman’s nearly successful destruction of the U.S. military, four more years of President Elect Hillary Rodham Clinton would have surely completed the job. I’ve never believed that Obumbler and ValJar really gave a damn about these misbegotten people. They were always just another means of wrecking the social fabric of this country and the military.

  4. They’re looking for free surgical services to transform themselves into their idea of what a bearded woman is. And if and when they ever come to their senses they can sue the feds for mutilating them.
    Maybe Joni Ernst can share her warmhearted views with these disturbed mopes.

  5. No, no, no! Mad Dog WTF are you thinking with #3?!?! You just made a “protected class” of a couple thousand nut jobs that not only allows them to stay, but for me to continue to pay for their gender re-assignment?!?! This is NOT law – the military basically has no ex-post-facto, they change policy all the phucking time – look at the three retirement plans in the 90s. #3 should read, “gender dysphoria subjects currently on active duty may continue to serve, provided they are deployable in their biological sex, or choose to leave a GENERAL DISCHARGE with any benefits they have earned. No follow-on gender-specific medical care shall be provided by any MTF.”


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