Milley Sees Ukraine as a Long-Term Protracted Battle – IOTW Report

Milley Sees Ukraine as a Long-Term Protracted Battle


In the lead-in to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, all of the U.S. involvement in the country was operated by bureaucrats and politicians from the U.S. State Dept, CIA, Intelligence Community and Senate.  The Pentagon played a far lesser supportive role.

As a consequence of that previous investment, the current U.S response to the Russian “special military operation” has been spearheaded by the same DoS officials, intelligence agencies and politicians.  The Ukraine engagement is a political operation using NATO and western allies.   As we saw in the Afghanistan withdrawal, the Pentagon is a tool for the politics.

The division between the two interests (Pentagon vs State Dept) surfaces most quickly and easily when things SNAFU, and the blame casting begins. That’s when the division becomes noticeable to the public.  The important point to remember is this… despite the involvement of NATO in the current Ukraine response, it is not the Pentagon calling the shots, it’s the state dept. more

19 Comments on Milley Sees Ukraine as a Long-Term Protracted Battle

  1. Isn’t this is the same fucking faggot that said Kiev would fall within 72 hours? Can anyone identify a single thing that anyone in this clusterfuck of an administration has been right on?

  2. The only protracted conflict with which Milley is familiar is the white rage (otherwise known as John McStain), stuffed up his rectal cavity.

    You just know this guy sits alone at night, in his TV lit living room in a dingy gray, mustard stained wife beater tee, beer in hand, watching CSPAN clips of himself on loop. He’s the epitome of the Peter Principle.

  3. It really doesn’t matter who is President anymore. Or who is in Congress, for that matter. A President opposed to shit like this is ignored or subverted by the Permagov, and the Rand Pauls of Congress are outmaneuvered by the Lindsey Grahams and John McCains, who are all in on the grifts generated by the unelected. The Pentagon sits back, takes its cut and does as it’s told as well, when it is told anything at all. God save us from “Our Democracy”.

  4. Timbuktu, that is what I think as well. But the grifts which were upset by the Cut-and-Run from Afghanistan and the Russian invasion need to be replaced and reset. There’s lots of money to be made rearming Ukraine, nurturing their Nazis and badgering the Russians in the new borderlands. The Ukrainians are going to suffer even more than they already have under their new “Our Democracy” despotism.

    But what is going unmentioned in Sundance’s excellent analysis is the massive economic realignment taking place in the world. And China. I’m afraid that our geniuses at the State Dept. have once again bitten off more than they can chew, in their obsession with forming the Globalist empire, and we are also going to suffer more under “Our Democracy”.

  5. Who Knows, BUT I bet it would have gone easier if some of that Equipment from Afghanistan was repurposed to the Ukraine instead of Left Behind.

  6. Take this limp wristed air headed commie to Ukraine. Put him in high heels and a dress, give him a rifle with 10 rounds. March his worthless dumb ass right up to the front lines. See how well he does in the Military he dreams of.


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