‘Million MAGA March’ set to demonstrate opposite liberal counter-protesters in D.C. on Saturday – IOTW Report

‘Million MAGA March’ set to demonstrate opposite liberal counter-protesters in D.C. on Saturday

Just The News:

Protesters in support of and opposition to President Donald Trump are set to demonstrate simultaneously in Washington, D.C. on Saturday after two tense post-election weeks in which Joe Biden has been broadly acknowledged to have won the 2020 race. 

The pro-Trump faction, under the banners “Million MAGA March” and “Stop the Steal,” are turning out in favor of Trump and to protest what they claim is an effort by Democrats to rig the 2020 election in favor of Biden. 

Multiple progressive groups, meanwhile, have announced their intent to hold counter-protests in the nation’s capital. The group Refuse Fascism plans to hold demonstrations starting around noon roughly at the same time as the conservative groups.  read more

20 Comments on ‘Million MAGA March’ set to demonstrate opposite liberal counter-protesters in D.C. on Saturday

  1. A million people?

    How do so many people find both the time and money to attend these events?

    I’ve worked my life away and still can’t afford to go considering all the expenses involved and don’t really have enough free time to take off from the essential activities of my life anyway.

    I can see some people, the richer ones, going but how do so many of the common people find the extra time and money to do it?

  2. If there is any blood spilled it will be because the violent terrorist fascist left – the ones that call themselves Antifa and Refuse Fascism – will have invaded the space occupied by law-abiding patriot Trump supporters.

    Edit: I need to learn to type faster. LOL!

  3. FreedomCat NOVEMBER 14, 2020 AT 11:30 AM
    “Just laughed at liberals group name “refuse facism”! These people are dumb!! They are the facists!”

    …or maybe they’re actually being honest and we’re just misreading it.

    Instead of “reFUSE = to reject or deny”, maybe it SHOULD be taken as “REFuse = garbage”.


    …if you look at it THAT way, they are idenitfying themselves as “Garbage Fascist”.

    …and THAT is something I CAN believe that they are…

  4. Sorry to disappoint, gang, but my usual wingmen for these treks to DC are; at the beach, out of town, etc.

    Then when looking at Google maps traffic, all of the usual routes in and out of the city were shut down tight by that bitch mayor.

    I can put up with a hassle, but this was more than I can put up with.

    I decided to bail.

    Again. I apologize.

    On the bright side, I did move serious leaf tonnage after 6 inches of rain and flooding over the last few days.

  5. I was there. Ten’s of thousands. Up until just now never heard it called “million maga march”. “Stop the Steal”, or “March for Trump” were the only names I heard it called. AND IT WAS AWESOME !!!!, Kicked some antifa ass, had some beers, met some great, like minded, patriotic people. AWESOME DAY!!! I had a lot of other things that needed done today too, but I made it there. Marched from Freedom Square to the Supreme Court. VIVA LIBERTY !!!

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