‘Million Maskless March’ Planned For South Florida To Protest For Face Freedom – IOTW Report

‘Million Maskless March’ Planned For South Florida To Protest For Face Freedom

Mask Burning Will Commence In Cooperation With Law Enforcement.

6 Comments on ‘Million Maskless March’ Planned For South Florida To Protest For Face Freedom

  1. Friends on Facebook are now doing the vaccination virtue signaling. Sorry but you do you and I will do me. No grudge against them but I’m not going to look for approval through Facebook that way.

  2. I walked out of an SAS the other day because an energetic lefty Karen was the salesperson insisting I wear a mask. “We can give you one!”

    That same store had a dude that didn’t insist on me wearing a mask last May. LAST MAY.

    She lost whatever commission she would have made on a $200 pair of shoes.

    That was the only store I’ve been in that has done that in a long while. Not Walmart, Not my barber, Not any gas station, not any restaurant – even though they all have mask required signs on their doors.

    Mind you – the mask mandate was lifted in Texas. I really don’t expect things to get better on their own. Withholding my patronage is just the current answer. Not looking forward to dealing with the Mark of the Beast crap.

  3. “No grudge against them but I’m not going to look for approval through Facebook that way.”

    You’re on Facebook?

    I think I see the problem.

    My record of “not look for approval through Facebook” is spotless compared to anyone still on the platform trying to destroy America.

    Stop letting them earn money off you would be my only advice at this time.


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