Millionaire Bernie Sanders Still Gets Mayoral Pension from 1980s Gig – IOTW Report

Millionaire Bernie Sanders Still Gets Mayoral Pension from 1980s Gig

Breitbart: Presidential hopeful Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), who recently released his tax returns revealing that he is a millionaire, is still receiving a pension from his time serving as the mayor of Burlington, Vermont. Sanders served as the city’s mayor for eight years.

According to his tax return, in 2018 Sanders received $5,241 from his Burlington gig.

Sanders receives a salary of $174,000 a year as a Senator.

CNBC reported:

Public disclosure records show that Sanders, who began serving in the U.S. House of Representatives in 1991 and in the Senate in 2007, has received nearly $62,000 in Burlington pension payouts since 2005. One of the co-chairs of the Sanders campaign, Rep. Ro Khanna of California, once blasted then-incumbent Rep. Mike Honda for receiving multiple government pensions while serving in Congress.

Khanna used his opposition in a bid to unseat Honda, also a California Democrat, in 2014, which failed. But Khanna did win the 2016 election, the same year he endorsed Sanders for president, CNBC reported.

The public records show that since 2005, Sanders has received almost $62,000 from his mayoral pension, CNBC reported.

CNBC reported that “double-dipping” is not illegal and that, “a National Journal study in 2013 found that nearly 20 percent of members have drawn government pensions while serving in the Senate or the House, for a total haul of more than $3.6 million in such pensions in the prior year.” more here

11 Comments on Millionaire Bernie Sanders Still Gets Mayoral Pension from 1980s Gig

  1. Everything is rigged for politicians and agains’t working people. If you die collecting SS, the money paid that month has to be returned, even if you die on the last day of the month.

  2. Rip him for his hypocrisy about millionaires or a thousand other dopey ideas he has, but not about turning away free money.

    I get a fat pension from the State of California so I’m set but you can bet that when eligible I will be collecting my social security checks and not feel the least bit guilty about doing it.

    The system is inefficient, wasteful, subservient to union dollars, and in desperate need of reform but until then, only idiots don’t pick up the dollars on the floor.

  3. Sanders is 77 and Jackass Joe is 76. Can the younger generation think that far ahead or even know how to add anymore after Common Core? In other woids, in 2024 these old coots will be 83 and 83. Do they really want a wretched, old Communist or a flaming retard running the country???

  4. And President Trump is working for free, donating ALL of his paychecks back to various departments within the Federal government.

    These Democrats are not fit to shine his shoes.

  5. @Loretta in Indiana April 25, 2019 at 9:29 pm

    Passing the money taken from the people, around between departments is not “donating” it. And it’s, certainly, not “free”.

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